£45 for a 10k anyone?!

10 watchers
Nov 2015
11:09am, 5 Nov 2015
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Old Croc
We were stretched on Sunday with a field of 300 (256 finishers). It also tied up 7 people - who we could use elsewhere very easily. We plan to increase field to 400-450 so that could tilt the balance a bit.

Also hoping that being chip timed will be a selling point when we launch next years event

Dont think we have enough races to buy and operate the kit though. Not sure how expensive it is to buy but it doesnt look cheap.
Nov 2015
9:54pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Lip Gloss
I think that would still be a reasonably priced race, Baker Hughes is £20+ and no free feed after or that much of a goody bag but yet it attracts the crowds
Feb 2016
9:17am, 21 Feb 2016
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Surrey Phil
We've decided to repeat last year's 10k but have brought it forward to Sunday 26 June so that more people will be able to take part (last year was the first week of the summer holidays). Still £10 to enter with affiliated runners only paying £8.


Finishers' medals, winners' prizes, bag storage, coffee shop, friendly marshals and I'm the Race Director. What more would you want?
Feb 2016
2:26pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Could be tempted.
May 2016
1:16pm, 13 May 2016
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Surrey Phil
The school, where the race starts and finishes, are kindly providing goody bags to all our finishers. In addition, post-race massages will be available providing a small donation is made to our charity beneficiary, the British Heart Foundation. Still just £8/£10 to enter.
May 2018
8:15pm, 18 May 2018
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Surrey Phil
I could say ditto to the above albeit the date which is on Sunday 1 July 2018. £8/£10 for the fourth year running plus medals and goody bags to all finishers.

Web site is being reconstructed at present but will be happy to provide more info if you send my an Fmail.

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Maintained by CStar
Are they completely mad??


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