£45 for a 10k anyone?!

1 lurker | 10 watchers
Nov 2015
11:11am, 3 Nov 2015
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Lip Gloss
It was such a good race OC and an amazing spread afterwards, well worth the 2+ hours drive to get there. :-)
Nov 2015
12:14pm, 3 Nov 2015
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In the end, The CRUK winter run (which started this thread) had 15000 or 14500 runners in 2015 (though only 11472 finishers - those snowzones must have been brutal :-p). £39.50 to enter now for 2016. Events also in Liverpool and Manchester for £32. To be fair, early entries or group entries are less.

The publicity says it raised £700 000 in sponsorship for the charity. So you can see the attraction. Cynical me would like to know how much (if any) of the entry fee went to the charity and how much Human Race made off it.

(Not that I'm against entrepreneurship, or profits: I just have some quaint notions about "fairness" and the overall benefits of rational pricing. If they could say that Human Race made £50 000 for event management and CRUK £150 000 off entry fees that would seem fairish to me.)
Nov 2015
12:49pm, 3 Nov 2015
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And in connection with another "how much?/ wtf?" mentioned, the Gloanna run/yoga/prosecco/sushi event (which does not seem to have continued past 2014 despite apparently being successful on its own terms (parting a few hundred of the well-heeled from a wedge of cash and leaving them feeling good about it)), I found this fascinating piece about it from its founder.

Nov 2015
5:17pm, 3 Nov 2015
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Old Croc
and I am worried about raising our costs next year by a couple of quid for chip timing and a few extras - hopefully keep it below £15! Probs nearer £12 (I hope - in case you scroll back in 6 months time!)
Nov 2015
7:12pm, 3 Nov 2015
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Surrey Phil
I'm determined to avoid chip timing at present and to keep a small team of vigilant timekeepers. Nothing advertised as yet, but Sunday 26 June 2016 may well be race number two - hopefully at £10 a head (£8 for affiliated runners). Watch this space!
Nov 2015
7:20pm, 3 Nov 2015
11,443 posts
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Lip Gloss
I would pay a couple of pounds more for a chipped time
Nov 2015
8:51pm, 3 Nov 2015
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Surrey Phil
I didn't say that the proceeds from our run go to charity. When we've explained this to our entrants, they have fully understood. By so doing, we are giving runners a simple low-cost back to basics 10k run and can still give a decent some to a good cause.
Nov 2015
9:22am, 4 Nov 2015
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Well done SP.

We investigated chip timing and decided we wouldn't get enough extra runners by offering it to justify the cost. We didn't want to charge extra to everyone. Maybe we should do in future.
Nov 2015
10:48am, 5 Nov 2015
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Old Croc
we just got a quote and it'll be about £500 set up plus £1.45 per runner - on a field of 400 that would be an affordable increase and keep price still relatively low at £12 - £15 mark.
Nov 2015
11:01am, 5 Nov 2015
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On those prices/numbers I think I'd stay with manual - then again I'm not organising a race :-). I wonder how much the kit costs - specifically, if you are a club that organises a lot of races, would it ever be worth buying it?

About This Thread

Maintained by CStar
Are they completely mad??


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