Aug 2021
12:25pm, 25 Aug 2021
128,921 posts
Fantasian Part 2 is out - released Aug 13th apparently. How did I not know this?
Sep 2021
12:16pm, 1 Sep 2021
129,043 posts
It's really not gripping my attention. Nor is Asphalt 8+.
I think I might have a viable Questline Mage deck though.
Sep 2021
6:30pm, 1 Sep 2021
15,081 posts
JK *chameleon*
Day two away from my PlayStation.
Rocking gently in my chair...
Sep 2021
8:08pm, 1 Sep 2021
3,383 posts
Please tell me it is a PlayStation 1 circa 1995
Sep 2021
10:56pm, 1 Sep 2021
15,084 posts
JK *chameleon*
No, my 1995 PlayStation was stolen by my evil ex. It's my PSPro I am currently separated from.
Should have brought my Mini-SNES with me, could've plugged it into the hotel TV
Sep 2021
9:09am, 2 Sep 2021
601 posts
The Mussile
Finished (finally) the main game of Assassins Creed Valhalla. Although I like these open world type games (and have played every game in the series other than the 2D Prince of Persia style spin-offs) and the way you can play for a few minutes or a few hours I can't help but feel that the series has lost its heart.
The old games had the ability to plan out assassinations and multiple routes and built up each target in the story. I would like to see what someone like the makers of the hitman series could do with the franchise to take it back to its roots. Apparently the Paris DLC is more old Assassins creed so would like to see that. Thats if I can ever get on the damn thing with my son playing fortnite...
Anyway top 10 best games ever (not in order) ignoring the Nintendo populist nonsense the deathmatch turned into
1. Tomb raider 4 2. Wipeout 3. Tekken 3 4. Final Fantasy 7 5. Batman Arkham Asylum 6. GTA Vice City 7. Timesplitters 2 8. Ape Escape 9. Civilization 2 10. Assassins Creed 2
Also I loved the very original Red Dead Revolver, enjoyed Read Dead Redemption and absolutely hated Red Dead Redemption 2. I can appreciate the work that went into it but like GTA4 it just wasnt fun.
Sep 2021
9:43am, 2 Sep 2021
15,087 posts
JK *chameleon*
I never got into the AC games as I've never been a big stealth fan.
Tekken 3 made me buy a PlayStation. Until then, I'd been quite happy playing PC games (Civ, Railroad Tycoon, Jazz Jackrabbit, Settlers 3, The (original) Sims) - but Tekken was special. And I loved Gon.
I understand Nintendo getting some love in the Deathmatch - back before they turned into gimmick central, they used to release real quality games. But since the Wii, for me, they just haven't managed to part me with my money. I'd like to see them make games for XBox and PlayStation - put some real hardware behind their ideas, without needing extra peripherals (Wii driving wheel, balance board, motion+ controllers, etc etc - ugh!)
Wipeout in VR is amazing. If ever there was a franchise that needed the old studio reforming it's Wipeout. Get a banging soundtrack, quality courses, and make each craft feel properly different to drive, and it would be incredible.
Sep 2021
9:49am, 2 Sep 2021
129,057 posts
Proper list for proper people. Thanks for sharing that.
Which one's 4. Is that the Venice one or is that 3?
Surprised you went Wipeout not 2097 (or Pure).
Tekken as a franchise holds a place in my heart simply because I used to have a chief super called Simon Williams. Whenever he shouted at someone, which was often, a Tekken-playing buddy used to go "SIMON WIRRIAMS! FIGHT!"
Sep 2021
9:51am, 2 Sep 2021
129,058 posts
We could do a whole deathmatch of 'modern sled racing games that aren't as good as Wipeout'.
Talking of which, does anyone actually get the Asphalt series? Asphalt 8+ recently dropped on Apple Arcade but it's very arcade-y simple for all the gloss. Gran Turismo it ain't.
Sep 2021
9:59am, 2 Sep 2021
129,059 posts
Just for convo, here's ten games then. No real order, will change my mind by lunchtime.
1 Tomb Raider (first one, just for the level design, esp St. Francis' Folly)
2 Final Fantasy VII
3 Metal Gear Solid
4 Gran Turismo
5 WoW / Hearthstone
6 Oceanhorn 2
7 Resident Evil
8 Final Fantasy VIII (or IX - as we know I get them confused)
9 WipEout Pure
10 Legend of Zelda