Advice for Gym Noobs!

1 lurker | 7 watchers
9 Jan
11:55am, 9 Jan 2024
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Homeless Kodo
Didn’t say it wouldn’t be usefulMerry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr) just said it would be suboptimal. For example: if someone recommends upper body isolation exercises for a runner, like lateral raises, they’ll do bugger all for your running ability but will help make the lateral fibres in your deltoids stronger. It’s about context which an assessment & discussion at a gym with a professional should provide. People on a forum will recommend what they do or enjoy which may or may not help. S’all I meant to say 😀
9 Jan
12:42pm, 9 Jan 2024
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Bit of a lopsided view there i think HK
10 Jan
9:15am, 10 Jan 2024
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So, I went to the gym last night. Rather different demographic to either the "Country Club" or "Leisure Centre" where I've previously worked out.

Couldn't find a treadmill when I got in, so put in some time on the elliptical as a warm up, and then worked some of the machines. There's a cluster that does arms (pull/push), one that does legs (pull/push) and one that does core and back. Legs I'm reasonably confident with, arms have never been strong, and I need to be a bit careful at the moment with my core and back, so I took those ones easy.

Did a bit of recumbent bike to finish. Only then did I spot a whole mezzanine with a bunch of empty treadmills...
10 Jan
9:17am, 10 Jan 2024
12,499 posts
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Nice one DG, something different to explore next time too
10 Jan
9:19am, 10 Jan 2024
49,097 posts
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Ooh, a mezzanine. Sounds quite country club ish. Core and back are the valuable ones, imho, though I do some "just arms" stuff purely for vanity! But loads you can do for core, with no weights, just body weight and a mat. :-) G
10 Jan
9:28am, 10 Jan 2024
22,740 posts
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Ooh, a mezzanine. Sounds quite country club ish.

It was a lot more like a warehouse on a retail park than a country club. Probably more use to me- if my memory of the Country Club is anything to go by it was mainly women with fake hair, lips and other body parts walking on machines in designer lycra before sloping off to the jacuzzi. This was a range of people of all shapes and sizes, some of whom were my age, working out on machines. I learnt a lot by watching.

Core and back are the valuable ones, imho, though I do some "just arms" stuff purely for vanity! But loads you can do for core, with no weights, just body weight and a mat. G

Core and back have to be my priority, but also have to be where I take the most care. I've been having issues with my lower back for a couple of months, but I'm hoping that a bit of structure to work those areas while concentrating on form might help. Either that or I'm going to be laid up on my back in a few weeks time...

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About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
When my calf popped last October, and Katie was gently telling me for the millionth time that I might want to consider strengthening work, I was considering joining a gym. Instead, I went and did a load of biking instead until my calf got better.

Today, Katie has a swim booked at a busy pool. I was hoping to join her, but there were no spaces left. So instead, I have booked a session at the gym. If I like it, I might go a bit more often.

The trouble is, I haven't really got a clue wha...

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