700 miles in 2017

2 lurkers | 79 watchers
Jan 2017
3:39pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Fleecing Bells
Well it is very dark outside, it's an easy mistake to make...
Jan 2017
5:45pm, 9 Jan 2017
89 posts
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Hope those who have the lurgy recover soon. Didn't realise it was such an epidemic, normally November time but seems to be coming back in January too. No exercise for me today, calf is still sore so decided to stop the insanity and do more resistance circuits rather than the cardio, running should satisfy that. Just found out that HDS is 12 miles! Not sure why I thought it was half that, I'm sure it'll be fine with no real training for it 😃. Worried about my lack of costume, am I right in remembering I'm now one of the seven? Feeling like I'll be grumpy as sad about my 2nd anniversary tomorrow and being so far away from my wife. Lovely stories on here, so happy anniversaries also! Got through Christmas and new year really well but struggling with this one, I guess cos it's a personal / couple milestone. Given in a bit to the emotions so it's time to move and do something positive, new to journalling and been avoiding it for a few days. Will also see if my friend eBay has any dwarf like accessories. 9.30 meet on Saturday? I guess it'll be obvious finding everyone, no carnations required. Take care everyone x
Jan 2017
5:52pm, 9 Jan 2017
32,440 posts
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Fleecing Bells
HDS is usually closer to 10 miles than 12, funkyplates. But the distance is kind of irrelevant given the terrain :)
Jan 2017
5:52pm, 9 Jan 2017
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I know I'm going to sound slow-witted here but browsing the gallery just now, I see people have shown images of hexagons, and Sharkie has mentioned them too. I thought they might be to do with Conquercise but I can't see any hexagons on my map.

What is this hexagon stuff and where are mine? :-)
Jan 2017
5:53pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Fleecing Bells
and we will cheer you up, it's impossible to be sad whilst doing HDS for the first time. You're too busy feeling traumatised :) Oh, and don't forget to wear waterproof gloves of some description, wetsuit gloves are perfect and only about a fiver from Sports Direct if you don't have them.
Jan 2017
5:58pm, 9 Jan 2017
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I don't know quite what I'm doing here - but I've just seen my name and I can answer your question LD... so I might as well.

Go to Train > your log > Jan 17 will then have 5 drop downs across the top. Click on 'Map' (between Graphs and Summary) and Bob's yer hexagon.
Jan 2017
6:00pm, 9 Jan 2017
32,443 posts
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Fleecing Bells
*wonders if Sharkie has alerts set up on each thread for finding out when people are talking about her*
Oh and funkyplates, yes you are indeed a dwarf. If you can find a silly suitable hat and a large-ish shirt and a big belt then that will probably work. I am going to look for a beard now before I forget...
Jan 2017
6:01pm, 9 Jan 2017
10,794 posts
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Hmmm - considers
Jan 2017
6:04pm, 9 Jan 2017
17,502 posts
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On another forum I sometimes visit (not for running but knitting and crochet) they have a really good feature where you can *earburn* someone by linking their name and they get notified.
Jan 2017
6:17pm, 9 Jan 2017
14,524 posts
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That *is* a good feature.

And fp, I echo Fleecy - just get a silly hat. A beard is a good idea. I'll do my best. I was thinking about trying to get silly large shorts, but time will probably get the better of me.

About This Thread

Maintained by Merrymoo
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2017 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed and sometimes even some running is talked about.

Happy running :-)

group link is here


Mileage league is here


If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2017, send an fmail to Mandymoo http://www.fetcheveryone.com/userprofile.php and they will appear below

10th - 12barDavid - The Mince Pie 10 mile
13th - RRR-Caz - Dinton Challenge (6 hr event)
16th - CStar - Alumno XC
17th - CStar - Dec Muddy Welly 10k
31st - RRR-Caz, CStar- Gutbuster 10 miles

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