700 miles in 2017

1 lurker | 79 watchers
Jan 2017
2:30pm, 9 Jan 2017
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I went for a quick run at lunchtime. Well, quick as in amount of time available, not so much quick as in speed. Probably about 3 miles in total, maybe a tad under, in roughly 30 mins. Better than nothing.
Jan 2017
2:50pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Well done Paula! Especially in that shitty weather.

Hope the anti-bis do their work quickly, and don't forget the yoghurt, LD. Don't think it was me that diagnosed.

Trying to work out the logistics of going out tomorrow then running to a friends' to stay the night.
Jan 2017
3:18pm, 9 Jan 2017
9,131 posts
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Wow, hope all the sickies in here fix soon, get well everyone!

Carp for goodness sake rest woman!!!!! x

And well done Paula, it's horrible outside, and when mojo is lacking that's impressive.

28 miles on the bike this morning before work, and I've just done 4 mile run at lunch. My XC spikes shredded my feet and the blister plasters aren't doing the best job, so didn't really enjoy it that much :-/
Jan 2017
3:27pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Happy anniversary, MB and Mrs. MB champagne - loved the timeline!

Daisy - good to have a diagnosis, and even to know the little blighter by name. Hope the anit-Bs get to work quickly, and as Linds said, don't forget the yoghurt.

Knee is feeling better today than it did yesterday, but no question of running. Plenty of mojo here for which I have no use, so passing it on to Paula and RoseHip.
Jan 2017
3:29pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Oh well done Paula :)
and *ouch* GF!
Jan 2017
3:32pm, 9 Jan 2017
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thanks Columba :) - hope that you will need it back very soon
Jan 2017
3:32pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Icelandic Trigirl
oooo sorry, LazyDaisy, it is no comfort to be proven right :( On the bright side, after 3 days on antibiotics, you will hopefully feel a LOT better. Don't rush out running though!

First day back at school here. Morning went amazing and the kids went off to school or happy and chirpy. It all went to hell on pick-up. The new au pair got lost and couldn't find the school (I know, we sound really posh but it's complicated); I'd left my phone at home so we couldn't call each other; I got the kids and we found the au pair back at home, safely (phew!) but then homework started and it all went to hell rather swiftly. The au pair is Icelandic so of course cannot help with Italian grammar (or French for that matter!)

Hoping to get time for a bit of a run but it will have to be short as I won't have much time.
Jan 2017
3:34pm, 9 Jan 2017
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Fleecing Bells
Glad they got to the bottom of your various ailments Latterly, you've been off colour for ages it seems
Ran to pottery and back, ITB is a tad twingey so will take a day off tomorrow and go to bums and tums on Wednesday for plenty of leg stuff.
Jan 2017
3:36pm, 9 Jan 2017
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A lot of love on the thread tonight.

I snogged a girl from Rotherham a couple of months ago.

Tonight I will be doing a short run followed by a punchbag session in the garage while homemade chilli slowly cooks in the kitchen. Haven't done any cross training for absolutely ages. Going to feel dead tomorrow.
Jan 2017
3:37pm, 9 Jan 2017
10,639 posts
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*today, not tonight. It's been a long day

About This Thread

Maintained by Merrymoo
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2017 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed and sometimes even some running is talked about.

Happy running :-)

group link is here


Mileage league is here


If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2017, send an fmail to Mandymoo http://www.fetcheveryone.com/userprofile.php and they will appear below

10th - 12barDavid - The Mince Pie 10 mile
13th - RRR-Caz - Dinton Challenge (6 hr event)
16th - CStar - Alumno XC
17th - CStar - Dec Muddy Welly 10k
31st - RRR-Caz, CStar- Gutbuster 10 miles

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