Jan 2016
12:29pm, 26 Jan 2016
9,496 posts
sorry to hear that Mrs H.
Jan 2016
12:30pm, 26 Jan 2016
2,772 posts
Not good Mrs H. flight sounds like very hard work Fleecy.
Am trying to be super organised at the moment home and work wise and not spend so much time on her but staff have really pissed me off today so need a break.
Friend of mine, very fit aged 47, had a heart attack yesterday. Totally shocked and given me a kick up the butt to sort my overweight body out.
Piyo class for me tonight - wanted to run to it but 50/60 mph wind and heavy rain might make that not happen.
sleep dust worked for me too last night
Jan 2016
12:42pm, 26 Jan 2016
21,201 posts
What a shock MM, I hope your friend is ok I hope if the redundancy comes Mrs H it brings new opportunities, it often seems to
Jan 2016
12:44pm, 26 Jan 2016
27,398 posts
That's not good news, Mrs H. Hopefully something bigger and better will come of it, though, as is so often the way with change (though it is horrid at the time :-()
All these people travelling to Oz - I have envy, sinj, though wouldn't fancy such a long flight.
Paula - I plan my entire menu for the week (breakfast, lunches and dinners) It works really well. Saves money and is a lot easier!
While I'm on the subject, does anyone know if Aldi/Lidl have good deals on big bags of nuts?
Jan 2016
12:46pm, 26 Jan 2016
9,027 posts
My brother was "let go" from BT the year before last, - he'd worked for them for 27 years, and is in his lateish 50s. He started doing care work, and rather to my surprise seems to be enjoying it (though it's not well paid, by anyone's standards).
Jan 2016
12:48pm, 26 Jan 2016
4,163 posts
I used to plan, when I was the one at home doing the shopping, but I've slipped out of the habit recently. I will get back into the habit now, it definitely makes life a whole lot easier.
Tonight is steak sandwiches (ciabatta for the bread eating people, haven't quite thought about what I'll do, maybe just have the steak and some veggies).
Jan 2016
1:45pm, 26 Jan 2016
7,820 posts
I plan (some might say a tad obsessively!), it's partly because I order most of our meat and veg from a local farm shop that delivers - but needs an order on Monday for delivery on Friday. I also find given our rather hectic evening schedule it's the only way to avoid too many takeaways.
Jan 2016
1:58pm, 26 Jan 2016
26,160 posts
I try to plan but am foiled by never knowing when Mr fleecy is home and also by neither child eating proper meals, so end up with whatever's in the veg box and stuff from the butcher and fish shop and local shops. Mr fleecy cooks at weekends and does that annoying thing of going to the supermarket for one meal and not buying anything else we need... My shoes were great! My Garmin got hiccups so added extra mileage and I need to work out the actual distance (same river route as last time so I'll just use that). Most enjoyable, didn't even dare wear a cap and glad I didn't!
Jan 2016
2:50pm, 26 Jan 2016
8,497 posts
Didn't manage pilates.*shakes tiny fist at work*
Sorry about bad news MrsH and MM.
My OH does that too Fleecy
Jan 2016
2:50pm, 26 Jan 2016
8,498 posts
Oh and CHARGE!!!!