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1500 miles in 2019

43 watchers
Nov 2019
10:20am, 4 Nov 2019
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Lucky escape Doc :-O Poor deer :-(
Nov 2019
10:23am, 4 Nov 2019
33,024 posts
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Poor dear. :-O Poor deer. llama Nice WAVA. medal :-) G
Nov 2019
10:47am, 4 Nov 2019
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Venison for tea then Doc ;-)
Nov 2019
11:09am, 4 Nov 2019
11,215 posts
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Oh deer/dear...! ;)
Nov 2019
12:28pm, 4 Nov 2019
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Well done Doc, on the 70% and not getting taken out by the poor deer!
Nov 2019
12:54pm, 4 Nov 2019
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Good afternoon all...and here is your roundup. The topic is very familiar to me, having recently qualified as a yoga teacher (earlier this year). :)

Ashtanga yoga – originally started up by Pattabhi Jois around 1948 as a way to train young high caste boys in Mysore, India. The Primary Series consists of a warmup of 5 x Sun Salutation A, followed by 5 x Sun Salutation B, then a memorized series of standing and seated poses, the standing sequences having a vinyasa between each standing pose. In India it is a mentored yoga where the practitioner masters one pose before going on to the next one – as they all build upon each other. They generally avoid using any props (blocks, straps) to make things more approachable for practitioners.

DocMoye heart1872.29 blackheart208.82 49.87%
Bonners heart1795.84 blackheart191.17 43.75%
NDWDave heart1774.26 110.3 42.02%
Pikelet heart1587.54 92.23 27.07%
Jenni-far-far heart1581.99 blackheart144.45 26.63%
clare1976 heart1527.77 blackheart132.99 22.29%
riggsy99 heart1501.09 blackheart164.88 20.15%

Hatha yoga – is one of the more ancient yogas, available to anyone, previously having been done by yogis in ancient times, viewed by the 17th-19th century ruling classes with derision. Despite this, it remained popular in the rural areas. As a consequence, they pulled a lot of the spiritual context away from this type of yoga and made it more like physical exercises. Following on from this, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya influenced a lot of yoga seen in the West as physical exercises, taking yoga poses and combining them with other gymnastic exercises to develop a flowering style of physical yoga that places little or no emphasis on Hatha yoga’s spiritual goals.

phidip heart1467.94 blackheart122.02 17.50%
larkim heart1440.3 9.03 15.29%
JP. heart1422.44 blackheart226.72 13.86%
Cerrertonia heart1400.22 86.96 12.08%
mole-thing heart1388.04 blackheart174.56 11.10%
StuH heart1366.3 111.14 9.36%
HappyG(rrr) heart1332.81 blackheart150.02 6.68%
IanS heart1321.5 103.04 5.78%
Oranj heart1296.55 13.99 3.78%
Hills of Death (HOD) heart1227.71 blackheart124.69 -1.73%

Yin Yoga – this type of yoga is more Chinese in nature than Indian and comes from the principles of Yin (soft/cool) and Yang (strong/hot/warming). It takes common yoga poses and practitioners hold these poses for several minutes at a time to work into the fascial tissues of the body, sometimes using bolsters to support the body when needed and playing with the edge between comfortable and being challenged. Most of the Yin poses are seated and a class may only consist of 8 different poses, held for extended periods of time. Emphasis is on the energy meridians in the poses, and doing the poses in an almost meditative state, just breathing and being aware of the sensations of discomfort and knowing when to ease off or go deeper into a pose (it’s a very fine line!). We don't recommend that beginners take up Yin yoga...as they find the long spaces holding poses 'boring'! ;) It's best left until one has been practicing yoga for over a year before embarking on Yin exploration.

westmoors 1178.52 blackheart101.67 -5.67%
Richard-M 1176.34 blackheart147.34 -5.84%
jennyh 1176 blackheart134.08 -5.87%
Jigs 1146.72 blackheart134.27 -8.21%
rjb 1080.79 blackheart144.3 -13.49%

Restorative yoga – This is a very relaxing type of yoga - very good for people who are extremely stressed out – involving the use of lots of props (blocks, bolsters, straps, pillow, blanket) and can often finish with Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) for 30 minutes in a 90 minute class. Movements are very slow and one never gets into a standing position in this yoga. Frequently it is mostly done with the eyes closed, and involves opening of the chest, hips, trying to find space in the spine. Poses aren’t held quite as long as in Yin Yoga but they are held longer than in ‘normal’ types of yoga.

Daz Love 1064.54 7.01 -14.79%
theOtherRichard 1049.14 80.95 -16.02%
RichHL 1033.05 94.44 -17.31%
Mr. K. 1023.19 136.06 -18.10%
Quinn The Eskimo 931.75 22.92 -25.42%
_andy 887.58 72.71 -28.95%
runnyeyes 879.34 56.53 -29.61%
stewartC 766.85 76.54 -38.62%
Garfield 606.26 59.82 -51.47%
Neilio 519.31 34.33 -58.43%
MovingAlong 484.41 35.8 -61.23%
pielips 435.19 3.14 -65.17%
The Terminator 350 0 -71.98%
Nov 2019
1:05pm, 4 Nov 2019
33,031 posts
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Ooh, thanks Garfield. I'm Hatha, which is the type I have most enjoyed in the past. My teacher made it very relaxing and quite meditative, which was lovely. I found Ashtanga too "fast" for me. Pilates gives me the strength stuff I want for core, but I miss my Hatha! :-) G
Nov 2019
2:29pm, 4 Nov 2019
30,674 posts
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lovely round up. ashtanga is my favorite, but mostly i attend Hatha
Nov 2019
2:39pm, 4 Nov 2019
3,585 posts
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Thanks Garfield. I've only ever done a couple of yoga classes. Would love to try more but I can never find one at a suitable time for regular attendance.
Nov 2019
2:50pm, 4 Nov 2019
3,081 posts
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Great roundup, Garfield, educational and informative!

About This Thread

Maintained by jennyh
Welcome to the 1500 miles in 2019 thread! Everyone welcome, regardless of whether you plan to run more or less than 1500 miles in 2019.

If you want to be included in the monthly round ups, please enter the group here: fetcheveryone.com/groups-view.php?id=1286 and set your mileage target for 2019 to 1500 miles


Monthly roundups

January - westmoors
February - RichHL
March - IanS
April - Neilio
May - Maclennane
June - theOtherRichard
July - jennyh
August - jabberknit
September - DocMoye
October - Garfield
November - Neilio
December - phidip

Target Races


5th & 6th - Enigma Winter Double Marathon - jabberknit
12th - Country to Capital Ultra - MovingAlong
13th - Stubbington 10K - Gobi
27th - Staverton 10 - Dillthedog

10th - Punchbowl Marathon - StuH
17th - Austin Marathon - phidip

17th - Bramley 10 - Gobi

2nd - Groundhog Marathon - Toks
3rd - Newport Half - Dillthedog, jennyh

3rd - Warwick Half - Gobi, clare1976
10th - Surrey Half - StuH
17th - Fleet Half - westmoors
17th - Reading Half - MovingAlong
24th - Eastleigh 10K - Gobi
24th - Coventry Half - clare1976
24th - Cardiff Taff Trail Half - jennyh

6th - SDW 50 - StuH
7th - Manchester Marathon - MovingAlong, Toks, mole-thing
7th - Cathedral to Castle 10 - Jenni-far-far
14th - Paris Marathon - RichHL
14th - Phoenix Running Marathon - Toks
14th - Boston (UK) Marathon - HoD
17th - Phoenix Running Marathon - Toks
18th - Phoenix Running Marathon - Toks
27th - Highland Fling 53 - _andy
28th - VM London Marathon - Doc Moye, Pikelet
28th - Stratford Marathon - Jenni-far-far

6th - Milton Keynes Marathon - theOtherRichard, Toks, MovingAlong, jabberknit
12th - Market Drayton 10K - Jenni-far-far
26th - Liverpool Marathon - Jenni-far-far
27th - London 10,000 - DocMoye, jennyh

2nd - Phoenix Marathon - Toks
14th & 15th - Suffolk Trail Running Festival - Richard-M
15th - Endure 24 - StuH
15th - 3 Lakes Classic - riggsy99
22nd - Midnight Sun Marathon Tromso - jennyh
22nd - Giants Head Marathon - Toks

7th - Spire 10 - riggsy99
21st - Grimsby 10K - riggsy99
27th - Lakeland 50 - _andy

11th - Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 50K - westmoors
24th & 25th - CPR Cardiff Pentathrun - jennyh


6th-8th - Whistlestop Tour of Wirral - jennyh
8th - Great North Run - DocMoye
15th - Richmond Marathon - Toks
15th - Cleethorpes Coastal Half - riggsy99
22nd - Canada Army Run - Garfield
28th - Tissington Half Marathon - Jenni-far-far

6th - Cardiff Half Marathon - jennyh
6th - Loch Ness Marathon - Jenni-far-far
13th - Cabbage Patch 10 - Garfield, StuH
20th - Yorkshire Marathon - jabberknit
20th - Abingdon Marathon - Richard-M
26th - Snowdonia Marathon - MovingAlong, Toks, HoD

3rd - Stevenage Half Marathon - DocMoye
10th - Remembrance Marathon - Toks
17th - St Neots Half Marathon - Garfield

7th - Lanzarote Marathon - Jenni-far-far
  • Show full description...

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