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1000 miles in 2025

3 lurkers | 62 watchers
Par by the end of today is 172.6
Sep 2023
10:56am, 24 Sep 2023
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Thanks FF.

Well done for the weights and stretches today Steve.

I just did a 4 mile jog on roads this morning, as I have my jabs this afternoon.
Sep 2023
11:02am, 24 Sep 2023
5,126 posts
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Well done Steve on your weights and stretches and well done HS on your 4 miler. Hope you get your jabs this afternoon.

I went out for a walk with mr jaks an Mo (my dog) and ran a mile streak saver. Poor dog didn’t know who to stay with so kept running between us.
Sep 2023
11:16am, 24 Sep 2023
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Thanks Jaks. Well done for your 1 mile streak saver. I hope Mo didn't trip either of you up😀
Sep 2023
1:47pm, 24 Sep 2023
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Jabs on Sunday! Good warm up for them hs, hope you're not adversely affected by them.

Streaking well Jaks .
I see Mrsb completed Berlin with an impressive sequence of mile times. Well done Mrsb. Again!
Sep 2023
3:48pm, 24 Sep 2023
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Looby Loo
Sorry Jaks I had to go back several times to see your post as had missed it.
What a great run/race experience you had.
Fab 👋
Sep 2023
4:05pm, 24 Sep 2023
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Pull up a pew…. Hi gang! I’ve finally had a read back all the way to 5th September you’ve all been so busy and lots of great running. Huge congrats at Cartmel Jaks, your run notes were buzzing!

Excellent rolling 1000+ pix and hs glad your pals were only missing for a short time - hope the hornets have disappeared now too. FF lots of good running too a great use of waiting for stuff to be done.

Good to see you making progress Wv, pace isn’t the most important getting out is what mattered.

Steve, good to see you still making a dent in the miles, hope the reduced statins worked and anyone out having Covid jabs hope no side effects. On Covid now is Mrs Ev doing? Hope you’re both recovered. There’s def a lot of people coming down with it again, including my cousin 1 week back at school and 3 teaches caught it. It’s a week to my other cousin/her sisters wedding so I’m avoiding them all and hope no one else gets it.

Loved the reminiscing about the days gone by it is amazing how we’ve gone backwards in service given all the ‘advancements’ and the cost of stamps is eye watering.

Hope little man is ok after his flu vac Lesley & your cough hasn’t impacted your running.

LL hope you had a lovely time with your dad and you’re enjoying Malta, that’s where we had our fist holiday together lots of years ago.

Welcome Sombrero & hope Berlin is going / has gone well MrsB

I hope I’ve not missed any updates and apologies if I have. I’ll try to keep up more regularly.

Work has been ridiculous as I get close to the conference (a week Monday) and trying to get ahead of a few things as quarter end reporting is also due that week. It’s non stop.

I’ve kept my running ticking over and signed up with a new coach, the fantastic UltraKazy a world record holder in backyard ultras so a perfect fit for sharing her knowledge on stamina & running mindfully, not looking for breaking any records just to keep growing in strength as I try to train for a double run day in Jordan - 30 weeks away according to trainingpeaks.

I was away with work this week and planned a morning run with my colleague it was pitch black at 6.30, blowing a hooley and lashing with rain so we opted for the dreadmill instead. Hate the darn things but I did a hill session on it which at least served a purpose. I also struggle driving for long distances so thinking I might see if I can stay an extra day after the conference as I almost fell asleep driving home this week 😬

Busy week ahead, mine and mam’s birthday on Wednesday I’ve booked the day off and we are off for a spa afternoon with my mother in law and best friend so I’ll endeavour to run early. With the wedding the weekend is likely to be short runs only but I did get to 100m yesterday for the month but as I think Ev said I need miles banked for holiday and winter so I’ll try to get some double days in too.

Right off to play with month end reporting to be ahead of said game come October (driving home so not much else I can be doing) and
Sep 2023
4:31pm, 24 Sep 2023
12,815 posts
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I'll read your post later GG

I've just popped in to say I had my Covid and flu jabs this afternoon. I had to queue for 30 minutes. Not good for over 75's having to queue for so long. No chairs, so on our feet all the while. I was ok, but many leaning on sticks.
Sep 2023
4:41pm, 24 Sep 2023
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Hope no side effects hs and that does sound like bad planning for many over 75’s my dad is fit but he’d struggle to stand for any length of time.
Sep 2023
6:26pm, 24 Sep 2023
10,068 posts
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Fenland Flier
Blimey hillstrider that's not very good. They are normally so prepared for these things that they're like a production line. I wonder if someone was taken I'll and put them behind.
Sep 2023
6:50pm, 24 Sep 2023
12,817 posts
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It's been the same for previous appointments I'm afraid. There are so many elderly in Hythe that it is difficult for them to cope. The current jabs are for the over 75's, so when they lower the age for qualifying, it will be even worse.
They do their best, and are very well prepared, it's the sheer numbers that are the problems.

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