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1000 miles in 2025

5 lurkers | 62 watchers
Par by the end of today is 172.6
Sep 2023
8:14pm, 24 Sep 2023
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That’s a long time to be in a queue HS, they could have at least acquired some chairs from somewhere. Hope you don’t have any reactions to the jabs. Take care.
Sep 2023
7:40am, 25 Sep 2023
12,820 posts
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Jaks, they have plenty of chairs, but it would be impractical to place them in the corridor where we were queuing, and on the pavement where the queue stretched. When I came out, the queue was just as long. They said that I might have achy arms and slight flu feelings. My arms do ache, but I feel ok otherwise.

Thanks everyone for caring 😊
Sep 2023
8:06am, 25 Sep 2023
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Morning everyone.

Good to hear you’re ok HS.
Sep 2023
12:34pm, 25 Sep 2023
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Good afternoon everyone.

Thanks Jaks. I did an 8 mile multi terrain run this morning with the Monday Group. I probably shouldn't have, as I had to do some walking. I'm glad that I did though, otherwise I would have been feeling sorry for myself if I'd stayed at home.
Sep 2023
12:40pm, 25 Sep 2023
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I am feeling sorry for myself for not going out this morning but I was shattered and the wind convinced me to stay in bed. Well done for going out hs

I had a docs appt today had to then book for blood test and they offered me a Covid vax… I’m not in the at risk group (as far as I’m aware) so not sure why I’ve been offered one. I’ll take it though as I’d rather not risk getting Covid or being less impacted if I did.
Sep 2023
3:14pm, 25 Sep 2023
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Thanks GG. You might as well have the jab, and they may offer the flu jab too.
Sep 2023
3:30pm, 25 Sep 2023
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Lesley C
Well done to everyone who ran over the weekend. Brilliant longer one from Steve. Excellent running at your race Jaks.

Doesn't sound like fun waiting about for your jabs HS. Glad you're not suffering afterwards too much.

Sometimes it's best just to stay in bed GG, especially if you're shattered. You are extremely busy! Was pretty windy here too.

I did get out in Saturday and did 11 miles on the way home from my parents. I got dropped off so had no option but to run home. It was fine.

Hurt my back yesterday, lifting the wee man. Seems better today. Day off work too so went for a walk - warm but windy. Completed the fetch challenge which is great. A easier week for me as I am using up holidays and we are going away on Saturday - going to Aviemore. It's not too far from us but plenty of things to do for us all. Running kit will be packed.
Sep 2023
5:07pm, 25 Sep 2023
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Eleven miles Lesley, great distance and a clever way to ensure completion. Hope the back eases off ok.
Goodness gg, your time continues to be squeezed but I suppose you are in training for that damned conference coming up! A new coach too, always useful and quite fun to focus like that. Aiming for an event in thirty week's time is some commitment.
Lucky you are very fit and able hs given that thirty minute queue. I don't think I'll be queuing that long next week when I have my jabs. Did you opt for one in each arm? Well done on an eight miler after having them.
5.1 miles quite late for me at 9.30am and the heavens opened albeit briefly. Bit of a slog too, I seem to be more alive at 6.30 am and going out in the dark.
Sep 2023
8:04am, 26 Sep 2023
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Thanks Lesley, it's worth putting up with the inconvenience etc for the hopeful protection the jabs will give.

Well done for your 11 miles on Saturday.

Sorry to hear that you hurt your back, but glad that it seems better now.

I hope that you have a lovely holiday, and manage to fit in a run or two.

I felt sorry Steve for some of the less active people queuing for their jabs. I'm sure that if the weather was hotter, some would have fainted. I did have one in each arm, whereas the previous time they were in the same arm. I hope that you don't have to queue for so long.

Thanks, but I probably shouldn't have run as I had to walk now and again. I might have to apply the Jeff Galloway technique during Sundays half marathon if the going gets tough.

Well done for your 5.1 miles yesterday.
Sep 2023
10:12am, 26 Sep 2023
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I won't run for 24 hours after my jabs next week even if I feel fine.
If you have to Jeff on Sunday so be it hs, but there are plenty of days to go yet and even a day or two of not running might not go amiss.
As for Jeffing((Galloway), even though I'm progressing very slowly a part of me ponders over whether this is how it's always going to be now. If so then identifying as a runner won't continue although I'm happy to Jeff 80 miles a month. With a fraction more effort I coul have made 100 this month.
4.4 miles this morning; the heavens opened as I left the house but foolishly, as it panned out, I wore a rain jacket and the skies cleared before I'd done a half mile. Yeah, it was warm!

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Maintained by Lesley C
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