Jul 2021
2:37pm, 10 Jul 2021
6,308 posts
LL, I equaled that 3 weeks ago, but they were the best for 11 weeks. I've done one 26.08, and three 26.09's since the shut down of the parkruns.
Well done for your 8 miles this morning.
Steve, it seems that running every other day is paying off for you. They say that our speed starts declining in our thirties, so in our seventies, it is super rapid ☹
We will be doing less speed work now as we are concentrating on Marathon training.
Jul 2021
3:06pm, 10 Jul 2021
3,359 posts
Everyone has to decide if they want to go for quality or for quantity. It can be a summer/winter thing. I have cut down my Long Runs to 7-8 miles each week, and tried to sharpen up the pace a little, doing intervals or other speedwork at least once a week. For those of us in our 70s with declining strength and speed, I think that doing intervals etc. regularly helps to keep up our speed, and hill work helps with the all-round strength.
Jul 2021
5:24pm, 10 Jul 2021
3,044 posts
Fenland Flier
Thanks for asking LL, mostly my heel is fine, more often than not it niggles when I get out of bed but mostly it doesn't bother me through the day. Groin strain ok but I cycled 4 miles a couple of weeks ago and it niggle but been fine since. I have run twice this week, 3 Thursday and a 3.8 mile loop this morning with no issues. I shall run tomorrow too.
Jul 2021
6:55pm, 10 Jul 2021
1,311 posts
Looby Loo
Thats good news FF heading in the right direction. Good luck tomorrow.
I’m meeting a few friends tomorrow for a short social run.
Quality and quantity is food for thought as I think we get a bit obsessed with mileage. I know I do.
Good idea Steve to shorten under the circumstances.
Would you be tempted to do another marathon HS if your doing the training?
Jul 2021
8:14pm, 10 Jul 2021
6,309 posts
LL, I'm actually running the virtual London marathon with my buddy that has entered it, although I haven't entered it myself, so yes, I'm running another marathon. My other buddy that I'm training with has entered the official London Marathon. We are all training together. Hope that makes sense!
Jul 2021
11:59am, 11 Jul 2021
6,310 posts
A very enjoyable 8 mile solo forest run at a very easy pace. Didn't see any other runners, or dog walkers.
Jul 2021
12:15pm, 11 Jul 2021
1,313 posts
Looby Loo
That’s always a bonus HS. I do understand you’re running virtually I was just wondering if you were tempted by an official attempt at the distance. 4.3 this morning a new route with friends and it was very enjoyable.
Jul 2021
2:51pm, 11 Jul 2021
6,311 posts
LL, glad you enjoyed your morning run with friends.
I really hope to be able to run the official New Forest Marathon next year. I will be nearly 77 then, so no chance of a prize. I think they only go up to the 70+ category, so no way I could be competitive. That won't put me off entering though, providing that I'm injury free.
Jul 2021
4:13pm, 11 Jul 2021
4,704 posts
Quality or quantity balance would be absolutely right for me Evangel but right now, although I'm enjoying running as I always have, there is neither quality or quantity 😂. I'm plugging away at what I do and expect improvement all round and which I'll want to maintain. My new orthotics supported me well and I had my eyes set on a smooth continuation...but..my cat decided one of them was a rat (!) overnight and damaged the sole top surface! I burried him this morning 😂!. Luckily the clinic and manufacturing place is local and I'll have them resurfaced!
New routes are wonderful to run LL so glad you enjoyed yours. Let's face it hs you're "well up there" regardless of that age and you're running so we'll. Fingers crossed for an injury free marathon build up.
Jul 2021
12:17pm, 12 Jul 2021
6,312 posts
Keep plugging away Steve, it's good that you are still enjoying your running, and I'm sure that your pace will continue to improve.
Sorry to hear that your cat damaged one of your orthotics, but good that it can be resurfaced.
Thanks, we are trying hard to avoid injury.
I ran 15k in the forest this morning with two buddies. It was very wet and muddy after the night's heavy rain, and very humid.
I stayed up last night to watch the match, and disappointed that we lost on penalties.