1000 miles in 2024

2 lurkers | 61 watchers
Par by the end of today is 947.9
10 Dec
8:19am, 10 Dec 2024
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Chilly wind again today but only the usual strength! Don't want to hear that siren "warning to life" on my phone again! Scared us all to death!
Superb best time of the year in new ASICS hs. And having hit another birthday too. I ought to check those shoes out, maybe there's some magic to be squeezed from them!
I love keeping notes of my runs. They are/can be reminders of great times and training periods which work . Of course there is the tendency to mull and moan and compare (I'm a prime candidate for that as everyone knows) but one's history is inevitably up and down, I've learned to accept that and luckily my mojo has remained over 47 years of running.

Well done on the treadmill again Donnie and the road run .
Glad your lurgy has gone MrHSc.
Hope the waters settle within the family gg .
Three brrr miles on roads again this morning. I used to do that in about 19/20 minutes, now it's around 45 minutes if I'm lucky. Seems like I'm stuck with my long COVID and making little headway but damn it... I'm still going to plod on!
10 Dec
9:54am, 10 Dec 2024
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Thanks Steve, it was nowhere as quick as my best parkrun time this year, but it was solo, on a hilly road circuit, and very windy. I'm hoping to up my WAVA at the Bartley Park parkrun on Saturday. It will be their 3rd Anniversary, so there should be a good turnout.

I also keep records of my runs in my diaries. I've got so many, but hesitate to bin them. I've also got the majority of my races and times on fetch, so it is good looking back.

Well done for this mornings 3 miles in the cold.

This morning was the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk, no wind or rain, but very cold.
10 Dec
11:35pm, 10 Dec 2024
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I know what you mean about looking at old run information. It can be great fun and positive memories. I did like doing it but an IT issue with a laptop lost me most of my historical stuff. I'd love to see this again. However, I think it's important not to go down the road of 'I must do more', 'I must run quicker'. What we must do is enjoy it!

5 tonight, squeezed in late on.

Ytd: 1023
9:54am, 11 Dec 2024
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My recorded stuff is all in paper form. That's how I began in 1978 and tech/ computer stuff was only in its infancy...if at all. So it's boxes of diaries for meπŸ˜‚. The down side is that in 1990 when a doctor in hospital told me I would never run again or even walk properly I binned a pile of log books. Luckily I had records of a few races kept separately but many and details of thoughts during my best running years gone! I still prefer paper and real photos when it comes to keeping information that people might be interested in when I'm long gone!! Stuff that's kept on my devices will be hard if not impossible to view and lost in space forever!πŸ˜‚
Good Farmer's Walk in the cold hs, hope the Bartley Park run is a zippy one.
Of course you're right about the enjoyment element of running Donnie1... although on hard days it can get one wondering!! Well done on squeezing in a late five miler.
An early brief outing of a mere 1.4 miles this morning. Still in shorts which was ok but the chill is quite evident now.

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Maintained by Lesley C
Welcome to the thread :-) to be on target you need to run 19 Miles per week or 2.7 Miles per day.

Target list can be found here - fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=1000

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