100 Marathon Challenge

102 watchers
Nov 2021
8:33pm, 24 Nov 2021
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Some 100 clubs are in fact stricter than the UK - in France & Australia you can’t count ultra marathons, you can in the UK.
Nov 2021
1:57am, 25 Nov 2021
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Mr. K.
I actually like that.
Nov 2021
3:51am, 25 Nov 2021
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Hi All, I'm new to this thread. I'll be reaching 50 marathons (and ultras) all being well in 2022 sometime. I'm not really targeting 100, but reaching 50 I suppose will bring it this side of a distant horizon!

I was wondering about eligibility of events. I have two 100k events where I DNF'd about three quarters of the way through. There are published stage results and I am on them up to the relevant checkpoint. Does anyone know if they "count"?

I see from Big G's comment that I could check direct, but it's more of an idle question so that I know my own total than part of a serious attempt on the 100. (At this stage in my life, anyway.)
Nov 2021
7:44am, 25 Nov 2021
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Only “completed” events count, so no DNFs.

Congratulations to Toks, who I saw did her 100th finally.
Nov 2021
8:17am, 25 Nov 2021
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Congrats Toks! That's been quite a journey.

♪♫ Synge ♪♫ To be fair, although the 100 Club will turn round an enquiry quickly, most of this time you'll get the same answer posting here, and as Foxy and i (and some others) organise events designed to allow 100 club qualification, we're always abreast of the latest rules.

The situation with ultras is interesting as I believe it changed a little while ago under Traviss' stewardship, what with Traviss being an ultra-runner there was a bit of a focus on clearing the rules up for those.

If it's a 100 mile race, and you DNF, it doesn't count. However, if there is, say, an associated 50 mile race at the same event, and the rules allow you to drop to the 50k during the race, and you receive a result/medal/whatever for that race, then it will count as a 50.

Recorded split results, however, don't count unless there is a recognised "Hardman Legionnaire 77.6" race or whatever.
Nov 2021
8:21am, 25 Nov 2021
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(A cynic would argue that this flexibility allows a race organiser to set up a 100 mile race with a timed challenge event which runs alongside to "catch" DNFs and still give them a 100 club qualifying result, like what happens at an event down by Folkestone. I'm not a cynic, so I'm saying nothing...)
Nov 2021
9:39am, 25 Nov 2021
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Thanks, both!

[Goes away to deduct two from total. :( ]
Nov 2021
11:01am, 25 Nov 2021
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Oscar the Grouch
I'm on 43, Synge, so in a similar boat (I had already discounted my DNF!)
Nov 2021
11:26am, 25 Nov 2021
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I was just reading back to my previous post where I was hoping to be on 97ish this year. Well, that’s not going to happen :) I missed a couple of races due to covid and although I had it mildly it did mean I had to miss 2 (Newport and Dorney), but I’m back on it again now and did one on Saturday with no major issues. I’ve got a rough plan in place for my 100th now.

Synge/Oscar, if you’re looking for somewhere to tick a few off relatively locally have a look at Running Events Devon, set up I think by the current 100MC kit manager and wife, who helps out at lots of events. Low key, friendly, 8 out-and-backs for the marathon, with 4 events over the New Year period.
Nov 2021
11:50am, 25 Nov 2021
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8 out-and-backs for the marathon

What's the general consensus on this sort of event? I'm (forever) hoping to branch out a little from just having the Maravan, and finding another couple of venues in the East Midlands/Humber to spread it out a bit through the year. I can't use the caravan park at any other time.

Now, I ran a quarter of my 100 as seven laps of Caldecotte Lake twice over a weekend, and a handful of North-East Marathon Club multi-lappers, plus Roadrunner (laps of just over a mile) and a Quadzilla at Furzton (laps of just over a mile) and I've enjoyed those, but also done an out-and back course at Dymchurch and Viking Coastal with Traviss, and bailed out early at Traviss' Penistone event and something of Rik's, and I found those difficult. They are relatively easy to set up, though.

I suppose that fact that they are just easy to put down, turn up and run explains the ubiquity of them, but does anyone actively enjoy them?

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