Tasis Lass

Last on at 12pm, 8th Dec 2014
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About Me
I discovered running 4 years ago I took it up after the loss of my daughter in 2001. A friend asked me if I would be interested in doing a race for life so I said yes I would having lost my mum to breast cancer in 1990. so my friend and I started to run together then we heard about a ladies joging group that was atttached to the local athletics club so stated to train with them under the watchful eye of a great runner who has inspired all the ladies who joined back then to go on to great things little did we know what we were in for with Mrs Motivator who was brilliant at getting us to come and turn out for things such as the cross country season where numbers were counted as oposed to the quality of running these events lead to our turning out for team events by this time we had all signed up to the club so we could run other events were the Devil's Burdens where we were paired up with experienced hill runers in to teams for the first time we were actually competing as equalls and our efforts counted towards the whole team which was great. My first ever race with the club was the Tour of Fife a weeks worth of races over 5 nights this was to be for me the point when I decided I was hear to stay the cameraderie of the week carried me on even when I was so tired by day 3 but the encoragement of the fast good runners was imesureable the encouraged and cheered me to continue on even though I was going to be last the end of the week was clearly very much the highlight for everyone as it was when the bonds of friendship and the cameraderie was brought to a resounding end with the prize giving and yes many winners and loosers were there but for me to receive one just for completing the week was absolutely the highlight of my week.

The measure of ones spirit is gained from the amount of effort you are prepared to put in
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