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Pitlochry 10k

Listed by shannon
  • Rated 65%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Hillier than I expected especially after the course was changed form 2005. Suffered from 7K
Carnegie Harriers
36:28 38:52 42:45 61.75
Dave_K First run for three weeks and didn't my legs know it!!! Great course and scenery (what I saw of it!). Ran without a watch for the first time...odd feeling. Not sure whether I ran better not knowing split times. Now seen results on the site and have broken 50 mins for the first time
45:32 49:57 49:57 54.85
Haggis Hillier than expected, but still good time
Forfar Road Runners
46:01 48:47 48:00 48:47 59.40
Jaffers Super race - well organised and perfect weather too.
PB!! By a fair distance! Definitely on for next year.  Great way to end my year.
35:44 37:39 40:00 37:39 70.76
jp105 Watch time. I'm quite happy with the race as my build up this week has involved little in the way of running and lots in the way of Czech beer. Just back from Prague on Friday. 
This was quite hilly but a quick course and I'm a little dissapointed not to lower my P.B.
Conditions were good. 8th position.
Carnegie Harriers
35:21 35:21 35:32 74.30
53:41 56:46 57:20 51.57
Tasis Lass
Fife AC
47:44 49:16 50:25 58.64

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