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The Fetch Five (5.5 MILES) - June

Mon June 20 2005
Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (25)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alf Tupper Lovely, hot sunny evening. Felt really tired as I couldn't sleep last night. Either I was too hot or perhaps I was too excited about the Fetch Five!!  Can we decide who wins this race on the number of insects swalllowed? I claim 2 in the mouth and 1 up the nose!!
40:44 63.36
Beaker A very early start for this one. Quite pleased with the time, especially considering that I am still half asleep!
51:28 45.38
Bryn R Managed to complete this despite awful blisters and two races yesterday, not that quick but got round albeit it with some new and more painful blisters.
Herts Phoenix AC, Saffron Striders RC
33:25 71.48
Cliffy tc Fantastic run - Bliddy hot but pushed hard all the way and smashed my prediction. There's a sub 50 10k in me somewhere!
43:43 43:43 48:00 43:43 53.79
Couldn't Run A Bath First 5.5 of 10 mile training run.
37:40 62.43
fetcheveryone Originally planned to do a morning run - but ended up waiting until 9.30pm before making my move. Ran circles round town, didn't push it, and everything felt great until I stopped for an unscheduled Paula at 7.5k. Fortunately, I made it to the leisure centre to
FERC, Fit 2000 AC Bedfordview
45:00 49:11 47.30
Forest Runner Ran in the forest rather than on the treadmill and pleased that I did. Lovely run, not at race pace, so I was surprised to run it that quick, and yes, the course was accurately measured.
38:00 37:35 69.24
fraggle Phew! Hotter than a Hottentot out there!  Highlights of the run included a bunch of walkers, one of which was wearing a very bright red kilt (I mean how often doyou see that on a Monday morning in Reading?!) and me breaking my high jump PB when I realised I was about to tread on a toad that was in the middle of the path in front of me - next stop steeplechase perhaps?
53:33 48.70
heres johnny bliddy hot 26 degress sweated buckets hope its not this hot for gobi
46:40 51.89
Hollywoof! Mission accomplished - first race back at home...
44:00 43:44 53.29
McGoohan As the physio had warned me not to run on my injured ankle for another week, I knew I wouldn't be
1:36:02 1:36:02 25.61
monki Ye Gods! How hard was that??? Fetch Five : 106kg + asthma + hot, humid weather + insects flying in my eyes, ears, nose...everywhere + the sweet smell of slurry and diesel in the air does not make for a happy running monki.

At about 6km I had to imagine Gobi and #8 in my ears shouting at my to carry on running. There is no greater fear....  I am still dripping in sweat 20 minutes after I stopped running.  Oh.  That may be the celebratory cider... :-)
44:00 47:12 49.49
Not Greased Lightning (M.) Really pleased with this time, as the weather was absolutely cooking. Undulating route, little support from the crowds, although some 14-15 year old girls raced me towards the end, although I don't think boots and ra ra skirts were the best clothes to race in.  Could have done with some distance markers and drinks stations. Maybe the organisers could consider this for next time.
Mansfield Triathlon Club
50:00 46:30 51.71
pacman Lovely run along the thames - very hot though - was aiming for sub 50mins but enjoyed it so much I didn't really mind - should set me up for sub 55 mins 10k in the British Run....
51:19 45.33
Raisty Raist Battling the harsh wind is something I am used to up here in Newcastle but I am not used to also having to contend with serious heat. tried to take it easy and put in a sprint finish
40:50 56.97
Reef After slapping on the sun cream loading my water bottle water, wearing the lightest t-shirtt I could dig out of my runnig kit draw I stepped out of the front door for my Fetch Five.   I trotted pas my local pub and seeing the benches full of people and pints I grabbed my first sip of cool water, reminding myslef throughout the run that I could join them as soon as I'd finished.  Not that it played on my mind but 4 more pubs were passed on the run.

The run was pretty uneventful but still passing along the River Severn and Canal side towpath in such great weather is always enjoyable.   Saw a few passers -by who offered smiles of encouragement, all gratefully received.
35:00 37:08 63.33
Ronnie Wibbley The legs said go but the heart rate monitor said no.
Watford Joggers
53:00 47.15
Roxy Run was ok, heat got me a bit, highlight was meeting lots of soldiers. However there was alot of people walking their dogs on the route and not keeping them under control. Yet scenery was pleasent and music was good, listend to the new  Gorilliz album. Think I would run this race again :o) Carried on running to make it a 55 minute run though as was too nice to not be out side.
41:00 61.78
SDI My report starts on Sunday at 8pm when I finished a 12 hour shift at work. I had a decision to make, do I go for a run or do I go down the pub and meet up with a few friends who have sensible jobs and don't work weekends. Unfortunately the pub won. Monday was not good. It turns out that a dozen Smirnoff Ice's do not make good pre race drinks. I managed to get out of bed at midday and managed to get out for my run at 9pm. I had to guess the distance, I figured if I went out to drive a measured route I'd probably get pulled over for drink driving. If it hadn't have been for the Fetch Five (point five) there is no way in the world I would have gone out, it really wasn't a very enjoyable experience!!

Good luck Gobi!!!
59:23 42.65
Slow Going Race started at 11am yesterday, unfortunately I didn't get to the start line until 7am today. It was nice of the marshals to leave the gantry up and the clock running. Pacing was a little uneven, as I was running an interval session, so really fast for 800m at a time. My watch said 50odd minutes, but I've entered the gantry time - I think we need chip timing for the next one.
52:00 51:12 45.75
space cadet I wasn't going to do this due to two hard training sessions the past two days, but my wife's decision to watch Celebrity Love Island sent me packing. I deliberately chose a hard and hilly course in honour of Gobi and the Comrades and felt I was going really well despite the hills, wind and flies. I was a bit dissappointed with the time, but hey, it felt good. When I say good I mean all of me except my back right thigh which is moaning and creaking in a very painful way right now... it'll be better in the morning, right?
44:56 51.87
Speedy2 Too much breakfast, and too warm!
Alton Runners
35:00 36:44 64.31
streatham stroller Hot and sweaty, could have done better if I had not spent the weekend partying
Herne Hill Harriers, Road Runners Club
45:09 54.05

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