Sunderland City 10K

  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (20)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Quakers RC
38:34 40:41 42:30 53:06 49.72
jazz Too hot and windy & more undulating than I thought it would be. Legs didn't feel fresh no doubt from mid week race..... Good tshirt!
Tynedale Harriers & AC
38:49 38:49 40:29 75.08
38:54 39:10 40:10 65.73
kaysdee Died a million deaths.
Heat crushed me and hillier than last year.
Heaton Harriers & AC
39:45 39:45 44:45 48:37 61.80
mal73 No where near  PB, first 2miles where decent but in the end it was too hot (25C) I also stopped to wee and to help a guy who wasn't looking to good. (not at the same time!!).
Jarrow & Hebburn AC
40:56 46:52 44:59 53:09 50.57
Darlington Harriers & AC
40:57 40:57 45:47 57.69
Elvet Striders
41:12 44:57 47:39 57.95
The Mighty OFK
Quakers RC
43:28 47:58 55:00 51:40 57.50
44:03 44:03 55:00 53:47 49.09
Mark-R Ill, no target.
45:17 45:17 52:42 50.17
Nadders (aka monsenb1)
Bramhall Runners
45:25 45:40 46:00 47:59 56.02
aj74 Hot hot hot.
Elvet Striders
45:52 52:10 52:10 51.28
MOUNTAIN GOATESS Wow that was a sizzler! The car registered 27 degrees. Found getting past people at the start a bit of a nightmare. The heat really got to me, just wanted to find a nice shady to spot to lie down but plodded on. Disappointed with my time :-( 
Chuffed after seeing the results...2nd FV40! ;-)
Sunderland Strollers, FELL PONIES
46:32 47:57 45:00 49:58 61.80
48:58 58:50 1:00:00 58:50 48.06
sparks out red hot & quite busy
Elvet Striders
50:47 52:01 50:00 52:01 52.30
51:40 51:40 50:00 56:23 54.45
stubanch not too bad that ,it was hellishly hot ,but overall canny .
53:17 57:45 55:00 57:45 50.59
Northumberland Stag
55:54 55:55 1:03:26 43.53
robclark87 Almost died in the heat.
Elvet Striders
57:17 1:04:28 1:22:24 32.04
1:08:07 1:23:38 1:30:00 1:23:38 36.92

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