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jogscotland 5K Challenge - Glasgow - Glasgow Green

Entrants (25)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bedlam_g Garmin time.  Crap run from me way off target pace.
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:12 17:25 17:27 76.39
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
20:01 21:21 21:36 61.71
Bellahouston Road Runners
20:06 22:00 22:00 58.26
ClaireT Time-wise it didn't go quite to plan, had poor sleep and a busy day and when it came to racing my legs were completely dead! Oh well, not to worry :)
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
18:25 19:34 19:34 71.94
clairevmc Didn't run well.  Struggled most of the way.  Tired.
Hamilton Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers
18:27 19:14 19:46 70.77
23:30 24:17 26:00 26:06 56.87
Gus Official chip time.  Wasn't it hot, and we got chocolate in the goody bag!  Nice to meet lots of new fetch faces too.
Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld
31:13 32:28 32:00 32:54 50.90
hannkies Needed this, not raced for about 10 weeks and hardly trained due to recent injuries, so this was always going to be tough. Easilly my worst race distance, but still a wee bit miffed with my time. MASSIVE positive was that the injury held out which was the aim and like to think I'll be a bit sharper in a week or so. Good runs by Kerry ( SBA ), Rossco, Toni among many others.
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:55 17:45 17:45 76.21
ian9657 was I the only one who had a good race ? WAVA 71.44%

Results here:

19:43 20:19 20:59 70.74
irish pins
24:42 24:42
Harmeny AC
20:46 21:19 24:40 59.69
Calderglen Harriers
20:13 20:43 22:24 62.05
larrry Helped daughter to a p.b and her dream of sub 30 .If only she would listen !!think my days of p.b's are over !
Giffnock North AAC
24:19 24:50 29:54 49.24
21:32 24:19 25:25 54.69
princesszee Thanks dad Larrry, it was too warm for me and he dragged me round and kept running beside me even when I shouted at him to go away!!!! Got my first sub 30 and even got to meet a few Fetchies!!! Lookign forward to trying for another sub 30 at the Edinburgh one next week!
26:30 29:58 32:00 29:58 46.38
rleyton Not what I'd hoped for. Not sure it's entirely fair to blame the conditions, which weren't easy. Mainly it's my own fault for working myself up in to a PB frenzy and only realising 2km in that I've not done enough specific training... I hear the Glasgow parkrun might be a good one for that. Must try and run it sometime. *cough* *cough*. Set off a  bit too fast as well, for good measure. Gah. One day.
Bellahouston Road Runners
20:43 20:43 21:45 60.41
Roadrunner Bark
16:30 16:47 17:13 74.44
Rombo Chip fell off twice, shorts ripped.  Turned up late and started dead last.  Nightmare!
Shettleston Harriers
17:39 19:17 23:08 55.40
23:08 26:07 26:07 49.07
Stovies A really fun run with a nice crowd! Really pleased with a PB as it was roasting!! One of the few times I've wanted a bit of rain to start in Glasgow.
21:38 22:43 24:30 23:32 54.85
Sunbed Athlete Took 6th place which got me 15 points for the Scottish Athletics Grand Prix.1st Vet 35 aswel.Was sitting in 12th place after the 2k mark & managed to pass a few to give me 6th.Slightly dissapointed with the time as sub 16 was my aim.The delayed start didnt help but cant complain.A tad breezy plus warm & humid.Great race/course tho.
Thanks to eyespy21 for watching my gear whilst we warmed-up & raced..:)
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
15:02 16:06 16:06 82.79
The Belly Is Gaun Tae Get Ye Got stuck near the back at the start, not to disappointed with time as still in last week of post mara schedule, and have hardly run. 

Fab atmosphere as whole family took part even OH who does not train and still finished in 32 something.

Great to meet the other Fetchies as well !
Ride 63
19:33 20:57 21:13 64.71
thechunkygentleman More or less satisfied given the conditions but i am sure i could have had another 20 seconds off that at least had i paced myself better. Off like a train and then crashed. Wierd time to decide to run my first sub 7 minute mile when i was aiming for 7.20 ish. Hadnt seriously ran a 5k before though so all a learning process. 

Delayed start was a pain. Organisation of the queues wasnt up to the late influx of folks trying to register but good evening apart from that.
22:28 22:32 25:00 22:53 57.42
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:01 17:07 17:24 75.51
wil e coyote Found this tough tonight. 1s over PB as well..........................
Ayrodynamic Runners, Loudoun Runners AC
20:56 20:56 19:50 21:06 65.07

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