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High Ongar Charity 10K

Listed by Vicksta
Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
40:44 40:44 42:00 40:59 64.63
Ware Joggers
41:42 48:47 49:57 52.85
Gritts! Help Chandra break 60 mins
100 Marathon Club, Orion Harriers
36:50 38:26 1:00:00 55:40 48.05
Harlow RC
37:43 38:30 40:26 79.52
JBD Took 20 seconds to get through start line, very hot, under-trained, no heart for the run today but did keep going and finished very strongly. Lovely organised race.
Benfleet RC
44:46 48:53 48:53 56.49
Jon B
Cardiff Harlequins RC, Springfield Striders RC
37:43 38:57 41:53 63.61
Mr.C 1st race, ran with Dan Gritton who helped me break 60mins
46:37 55:58 1:00:00 55:58 49.73
olomo Very hot ! Walked a fair bit but good fun.
49:59 58:41 1:01:48 46.50
Puffing Billy Really happy with this time after night duty and no sleeo.  Went straight to bed after and zzzzzzzz for 4 hours and missed tennis final! Route seemed hillier than last year, but frriendly and well marshalled. Can't get results up on race website.
49:24 50:26 50:00 51:39 58.01
sav123uk First race to get me back in to running.  Only one or two training runs before hand.  Found it hard going, but the target was really just to complete it, so very happy.
48:42 48:42 1:00:00 57:20 47.14
Siddy 19/376
race no-215
Springfield Striders RC
38:40 38:40 40:08 66.38
Tom Tom Well that was a shocker!! PB and first lady:) Really wasn't expecting to manage that on this sort of a course, but felt really good today. Excellent little race, very friendly and well supported.
40:46 40:46 41:10 71.17

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