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Glasgow Jog Scotland 5k

Entrants (22)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bedlam_g A nice event, good course and a really good atmosphere.  My least favourite distance though, gasping for air from start to finish.  But unlike Sundays 10km I really dig in and I think I’ve got a PB of around 19.18.  *** Official time 19.11.  A new PB ***
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:12 18:56 19:11 68.49
Bellahouston Road Runners, Skye & Lochalsh Running Club
21:47 22:42 22:42 63.19
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
21:21 25:28 25:28 55.58
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
20:01 29:57 29:57 43.87
23:30 24:39 25:38 56.98
16:31 17:51 17:51 78.19
Central AC
21:12 21:12 21:12 67.66
Cmontheaccies 3rd place
Girvan AAC
14:25 15:09 15:09 86.11
Giffnock North AAC
23:33 23:33 23:33 64.35
23:08 23:08 23:08 55.72
Harmeny AC
20:46 20:59 20:59 69.06
Sunbed Athlete Fantastic new PB.In saying that my 1st ever road 5k so a PB was on the cards but never thought it would have been this fast.7th overall.1st Vet.Nice wee Run4it goodybag plus points for the GP.WELL CHUFFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
15:02 15:39 15:39 83.95
May Glasgow green 5k road race,felt better than last weekend at Leven,went to race with
Scottish Prison Service AAC
18:24 18:24 20:02 70.54
Ian Time TBC but a very pleasant surprise nonetheless. Didn't expect anywhere near that time, especially given the near life threatening bout of man-flu that I have been suffering with today (symptoms = mild headache, bit warm, even less alert than normal). Enjoyed the race and another good atmosphere on Glasgow Green at what is a regular event for me now.***Ooops. Put time as 20hrs7mins - which it obviously wasn't....

Alan - I was running in your shadow up until your other hamstring went. Bad news for you mate - hope it doesn't set you back too much.
Springburn Harriers
19:54 20:07 20:07 64.85
Harrogate Harriers & AC, Kendal AC
18:25 18:50 18:50 74.01
JogScotland Chryston
28:19 30:37 30:37 46.36
The Belly Is Gaun Tae Get Ye Don't bet and No prediction as this will be a test of the hamstring problem. Too close to the Corrie to do anything stupid now so may opt for a plod.*Update* Although not my best ,very pleased with time considering this came off a 4 week post marathon recovery  period where top mileage was 18m per week,no speed training and pulled hamstrings. Managed without incident until the sharp turn at about half way then the left hamstring severely tightened. Slowed a bit to assess extent of problem but it eased out though pulled out of a sprint finish with three others as I could feel both legs start to tighten. Still there are others worse off than me. My first attempt at this one and will defo be back as it is a fast course.Well done to Magoo on his new PB. Thanks to May I just managed to keep you in my sights which helped pull me round. And it was good to meet a few others ATM, Ian and the legendary Phantom.
Ride 63
19:33 20:08 20:16 66.25
ChrisU Ran 44 seconds faster than my previous best.  Well done to Magoo and May on their PBs. I tried to stay with Magoo, and thought I was closing towards halfway, but then in the 2nd half I couldn't close any more ground and slightly gave up! Still pleased to clock the PB.
Cambuslang Harriers, Westerlands Cross Country Club, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:50 16:50 16:55 16:50 82.18
ClaireT First Road 5K since last year and a PB by 30s, so can't complain. Scenic course through Glasgow Green, very flat though there were a few sharp corners and windy at times. 12th lady.
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
18:25 19:08 19:20 19:12 72.86
cblack my first ever race... absolutely great, looking forward to many others
27:42 27:42 30:00 27:42 48.48
Gus My watch time was 32:40, quite pleased with that since I missed all my running last week.  A very nice evening and I got to meet ATM and the spook in person.  Will update after my helpdesk shift this morning.
Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld
31:13 31:49 34:00 33:06 49.43
dd Decided to enter this race as I entered it but missed it 2 years ago due to illness. And it looked like a nice race so wanted to complete it. Having not really run for 6 weeks after Troon I wasnt expecting much. But managed to run it all and in a time roughly similar to my 5k in March. My time is watch time 'cos as mentioned by others the chip time was measured from when the gun went off and not when you crossed the line!
30:03 36:37 40:00 36:39 39.14

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