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Frostbite Friendly League March

Sun December 10 2006
Listed by Marts
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
paulhalford Tough course. Been on high mileage for only four weeks so hopefully it hasn't taken effect yet. To anyone who bet on me to beat my apparent PB of 27 hours 43 minutes, sorry - I corrected it to 27 minutes 43 seconds just before the race.
Werrington Joggers
26:07 27:43 29:32 71.65
Marts may not run here
or might do it after all
UPDATE Great course and enjoyed it 60% off road . no training break just fitted into schedule so pleased to get same position as last time (series so far 24th,23rd,23rd so quite consistent). tried new running style for sprint finish and not only didn't get passed but made up a place too!
Werrington Joggers
28:22 29:20 31:41 66.63
Number 6
33:57 34:52 38:00 61.12
Eastern Veterans AC, Riverside Runners
32:35 35:01 38:03 63.07
Thorney Running Club
33:51 37:11 39:37 61.09
Gaubfar All depends on whether i get over my injury, but not going to try and beat pb as too soon,  

Ran and actually felt really good,injury didn't play me up at all... agree with April Runner though, terrain was awful in parts, happy with time considering slow start and slower finish...
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
33:33 38:19 41:00 41:58 50.20
Old Man New course so no idea what time I will do, but will run with Frizzle so keep it steady. UPDATE: Great new course but 50/50 road v XC so never going to be a fast time. Have finally convinced Frizzle of the need to do some base easy miles so we started to-day and hey ho she enjoyed it!! Time to be confirmed when results published
Thomas Cook RRC, Werrington Joggers
39:03 39:03 43:45 48:34 47.43
Bowland Fell Runners, BRJ Run and Tri
32:20 39:23 39:23 58.97
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
33:13 39:35 42:02 50.12
frizzle After my rubbish 5miler at Bushfield will take this steady and see what happens!!!! 
After reading the thread on slow running and not having ran for a week I decided to treat this one as a training run.  It was quite an interesting course with some offroad sections. Ran with old man and it was great!!! Chatted all the way round and was slipping around on the mud!! Very funny!!! Finished feeling great and didn't feel like I had raced at all!!! Marathon training here we come!!! 
The most enjoyable frostbite I have ever run. the mud really kept you occupied as you tried not to fall over!! Definately not a PB course though!!
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
40:51 40:51 43:00 48:34 47.19
april_runner Distance was actually 5.15m - just over 5m so pace averaged at very slightly under 8min/miles. I was disappointed not to get a sub-40min run but then I wasn't expecting the course to be 80% mud! That was the toughest course I had run in terms of terrain - I felt so unsteady on my feet and slowed right down to ensure I wouldn't fall over. There were a lot of narrow parts where it was impossible to pass runners, even if I had wanted to! My heart maxed at 196bpm - which just goes to show how hard the poor thing was working. There was a lot of twisting and turning - twice we went under a bridge which involved running up and down stairs each time. Bring back road racing!
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
30:43 40:59 40:00 40:59 55.92

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