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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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FetchEveryone Midlands 1 Mile Challenge

Sat December 15 2007
Listed by eL Bee!
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
eL Bee! The eL Bee! Training regime..........

My last training run was on November 11th!

Seriously...... it was!

And given the events of the last week or so, and driving 2000 miles in a week..........

...and not REALLY wanting to run the Fetch Mile Challenge at all, but wanting to be there because the kiddies wanted to race (kinda) and there were going to be a bunch of new Fetch Faces to put to avatars,

...I turned up at Wyndley fully expecting NOT to run.........

That was until Trumpton and Sparky set off to warm up (so it\\\'s THEIR fault ;-))

All of a sudden, the running mojo poked its head over the Parapet of Inertia, and I started to look forward to batting around a Well-It\\\'s-Only-A-Mile-For-Goodness\\\'-Sake ;-)

We arbitrarily split the group into two. The 7ish and under group, and the 7ish and over group.......

The marginally faster group went first!

My only deference to the arctic conditions was to wear gloves! Not a good look that!!!!


(well GO!, actually)

and we were off.

Half way round the first bend, and I realised I was at the front
Holy Sh1t - what do I do now? I NEED someone to chase, I have NO IDEA how to run without someone to pace me!!!!!!
OK - don\\\'t worry - you will have gone off too fast, and the others\\\'ll catch you soon enough, just keep on at this marginally uncomfortable pace, It\\\'ll be fine.
Coming to the end of the first lap, I was feeling pretty good, actually

The hecklers suggested that I wasn\\\'t trying hard enough!!!!!! :P

I carried what I assume was the same pace around the bend and when I reached the back straight closed my eyes briefly. Just as well I went in a straight line, because the next bend suddenly was there....... running into the fence would have just been silly!!!!!!
Into the home straight for the second time and I was starting to breathe a little more heavily.

Across the line for the second time and the hecklers once again told me I wasn\\\'t trying hard enough and Tink said I was \\\
Cumberland AC
5:19 5:38 5:38 71.92
7:40 7:40 7:40 59.36
phal really enjoyed that... when's the next one???
The Green Runners
5:37 6:09 6:09 68.56
The king
5:45 6:06 6:06 68.13
Jogging Jon
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
7:20 7:20 7:20 55.71
trumpton riots What a great day.
Thanks to all.
Boy, was that hard though
Evesham Vale RC
6:35 6:39 6:39 60.92
GoJimGo ran 6.36 on treadmill 3 or 4 months back. No idea what to expect atm - just hope its not a windy day at Wyndley!
UPDATE: 6:34 well pleased, well done everyone
6:13 6:34 6:34 68.91
Sproggy Had done 7 mile in morn and was not ready for this.
Bournville Harriers
6:04 6:20 6:20 62.20
Velociraptor I'm hoping to be able to run a single mile on a track just a few seconds faster than my fastest recorded mile in a race.  *UPDATE*  I have run half-marathons at a faster average pace than this! Couldn't be @rsed getting out of breath today, and it was so cold that my legs felt like lumps of butter. I will SOOOOOOO be worth betting on next time I do a mile!
Cumberland AC
7:05 7:39 6:35 7:39 57.58
CrazyLegs Had a really, really, really fab time today!! Even the fact that it was freezing and I wasn't meant to be running at all didn't stop me from having a brilliant time! I hadn't run a mile since school days so I wasn't sure what to expect! Next time hopefully I won't be injured and will be able to move up a couple of gears!! I do know I will use the track more for my training runs as my groin wasn't hurting as much as it normally does after running!!!
7:49 8:50 10:00 8:50 47.74

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