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Fetch Five - Valentines Threesome

Tue February 14 2006
Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (24)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
AddledAdder Possibly cheating, after reading all the wind, rain, sleet and snow entries to do this indoors, on a  treadmill, but using the health and safety for jerks act as an excuse, it was the only way I could squeeze this into the half term holidays.  Warmed up on the rower (which had a squeaky seat - NB that's the rowing machine, rather than anything else) before thundering along on the tm.  Temperature was too warm, of course, (considered whether to organise a drinks station at 1.75 miles) and some nice complex harmonic motion meant that the vibrations could be felt in the canteen downstairs.  Must lose some more weight, or develop a running style that doesn't look like a cross between Mr Teabag on one of his bad days and a herd of elephants.  Anyway, pleased with the time:  Three's so me.
18:12 18:12 18:12 70.59
wrinty Ran my undulating three mile loop between the villages of Shaw, Whitley, Purlpit & Atworth. Fatest time for this route since 1999 and I was only 5 seconds off of that which was great considering that it was a little breezy and I eased off of the throttle at two miles to save myself for Sunday's race.
Avon Valley Runners
15:10 18:24 18:30 18:24 70.86
B Rubble Nearly forgot - typical of me & valentines.  Is doing this on the treadmill the equivalent of buying your roses at the petrol station on the way home?
Dursley Running Club
19:51 19:51 19:51 65.68
hammerite Well I'll have this as my 3 mile split at the Derby midweek 5k.
Bedford Harriers AC
20:30 20:30 20:30 60.31
Longlegs 1 Hour pace run session today, I thought I would include the fetch valentine threesome.  Ran the first three miles in 22:17 so was going to use that as my Fetch Three but felt good at the end and ran the last three in 20:48 so a good negative split.

Ran on the treadmill today so the scenery was preety much the same but had a bit of company as a guy was having his gym induction.  He wa sstruglling to get used to the treadmill I kept looking round and almost fell off a few times;.

Happy with today best I have felt for ages.  Hopefully this is the start of the real marathon training.
Swanley & District AC
20:48 20:48 20:48 59.44
KatieB There's so much I love about running, this could be a very long report. So, I'm going to focus on two very special things.Firstly,  I love being part of the FE community.Why?  If i post a bad training session or a good race report someone is likely to message me. I know people called strange things, like Slow Going (who's pretty fast), Gobi(he has a big one apparently), and Hunnybunny(the girl with a thousand looks), although by far the most beautiful name is Hanneke. Old friends have become closer and now I can see their training and support them in running their first marathon.  I smile when I see diggers.
Bedford Harriers AC
21:05 21:05 24:00 23:08 59.14
MacDaz The end of the affair! You never forget your first love. No matter where you go, what you do or which shoes you do it in, you will always remember your first pair of proper running shoes. Or at least I will. I used this race as a fitting farewell to my trusty Reebok Premier Road Plus II DMX (Such a pretty name). They were the first pair I bought. I completed my first race, first half marathon and first Great South Run, in these beauties. I've been flirting with a pair of NB 766 since October, but my bit on the side was no match and I always went home. Even recovering from injury this year the young, pretty, nubile NB's caused me no end of problems, but my trusty Reebok's saw me through. But alas, the time has come and at nearly 500 miles I will have to leave my first love. I cannot throw them away. I forsee a bizarre manage a trois where I sit the Reebok's in the garden to watch me run past, or perhaps carry them in a rucksack so we can still share that special bond. One thing is for certain, they will run with me no more and sadly my quest towards FLM will be done with new shoes. Goodbye my lover...Goodbye my friends...is James Blunt singing about his trainers?

Oh the race...all went well and quite pleased with the time!
22:02 22:02 24:45 22:02 57.09
Buffer On the track with the HHH
22:49 22:49 22:49 58.44
Agent Orange LOVE ON THE ROAD (or even more innuendo than Katie B's Xmas race...)  He felt so lucky to have such an understanding wife, who did not bat an eyelid when her husband said he needed physical release outside the house.  As he slipped on his slinky red top and put on his saucy gear (sorry, that should read Saucony gear), her only comment was to remind him that he ought to take protection with him.  So, wearing his woolly hat against the elements, he ventured into the night.  He began by playing it cool and taking things slowly but his body took on a rhythm of its own, till with one last effort he reached the end of his journey. He couldn't believe it, he'd been enjoying the run so much, he'd finished more quickly than he expected (please supply own punchline at this stage).  As he returned home, his wife greeted him without rancour, noting that there was perhaps an inevitable closeness between the paving slab and a balding slob.
22:55 22:55 22:55 56.89
Applecross Well, I did this one with a mate from work, so if you count both our sets of trainers, that makes for a veritable orgy! Shouldn't have gone along the beach though, the sand gets everywhere....
23:57 23:57 23:57 56.21
RG Postie (RGP) Sorry no witty blog just the usual 3mile loop of the university lakes,hamstring held out ok but felt a little tight.
Reading Roadrunners
24:25 24:25 25:00 24:25 51.52
Sezz Chose the 3m route from Niketown (weekly runs are arranged from teh store around Regents Park).  A friend had been suggesting ways to change my style of running to improve my speed and I set off with his pointers in mind.  Amazingly I found myself way out in front of the 3 milers and the staff member had to keep catching me up to act as direction marker on each corner.  Put the pointers to the test and really found myself flying around the route.  It was tough, I really pushed myself to the limit but thoroughly enjoyed it.  I was just pipped at the post on the way back to Niketown but with the time I did, who cares :-)
Trent Park Running Club
25:10 25:10 25:10 54.93
Cavey Seeing as I forgot Valentine's Day last year (
Handsworth Roadhogs RC
25:53 25:53 27:00 25:53 47.76
Lalli Racing on 20 Feb! Gave it some wellie into some strong winds. Good fun
Eastbourne Rovers AC
26:08 26:08 27:00 26:08 54.36
Tinywhitevan Not a bad time given that I've had flu and only just started running again after a fortnight off. Used the run to think about why I love running - thought back to how it all began - I agreed to run a 10k with my sister-in-law during Christmas dinner 2004. We decided April 2005 was good - suitably far away! I trained just twice in the week preceding the event and consequently it was a hideous experience (1hr 07mins). About a mile from the finish my sister-in-law said,
Ackworth Road Runners & a.c., Go Veggie
23:32 26:28 26:28 51.11
BDR Did a 5k race on 15th February.  As a relative newbie I am still getting used to running and find the arguments I have with myself while I am running a bit bizarre.  You know how it goes -  'You're rubbish at running', or 'You're doing well, keep going' and 'No, you're rubbish, why don't you give up' etc!

The fact that I don't find running easy is what keeps me going.  I've never been one for taking the easy route!

Still getting pb's on most of the races I am doing though.
Team Milton Keynes
26:55 26:55 27:18 26:55 50.26
IBB,MBGOG Didn't even realise I did this (or that was even happening). So, have took middle three miles from my Feb 13 run off m' 201. Got to love the whole gps mapping/geek thing... And forgot that this is where I'm supposed to wax on about my love of running. Complete cardiovascular collapse and reach Jabba the Hut proportions by the time I reach 40, or scare the locals every couple of days. What's not to love?
27:00 27:00 27:00 46.91
Slow Going This was probably my longest (but maybe not my sweatiest) act of lurrrrrve ever. 

realising the key to victory in this event is to woo the judges, I dressed all in black, packed a box of milk tray in a briefcase, and jumped out of a helecopter on top of a snowy mountain to begin the run. 

Mile 1 was OK (apart from parachuting into a crevasse to aviod 20 people with guns, who were curiously bad shots). I eased off the pace in mile 2, as I was forced to dive off a cliff and swim through shark-infested waters. At the end of mile 2 was the enormous cliff that had to be climbed whilst oriental henchmen threw bowler hats at me (I used my elasticated gel belt for protection).  I put on a bit of a sprint finish (to avoid the bouffanted pneumatic lady-villan in a sports car), dived into Hanneka's  luxury penthouse and left the box of chocolates on the bedside table while she was in the bath.

(I think that was what happened anyway)
27:00 27:00 30 27:00 46.59
woss Used tonight's club run, not quite in the spirit perhaps... But a good run, fast for me!
Purple Patch Runners
27:22 27:22 27:22 49.30
sanddancer 12 laps plus 28 metres of a 400 metre running track. Do I win a prize for the most accurately measured course? Considering the dreary weather, boredom of track running and complete lack of competition, I'm very happy with that performance. Average heart rate was surprisingly low given the pace of my run: progress indeed.
Vale of Aylesbury AC
27:31 27:31 27:31 46.36
Lorraine Three miles done mid way of a 9:47 mile run with Gobi in the snow.Surely I stand a chance of winning for putting my life at risk and running with Gobi !!!!!!!
28:59 28:59 28:59 47.98
Cleo Decided to race the Valentines Threesome before meeting the girls for our regular ladies night run. Had to run a negative split by 5 mins after misjudging the difficulty of the route!
Pembrokeshire Harriers AAC
28:58 30:00 30:00 47.35
Alf Tupper I know I'm being a bit of a cad but I chose the Valentines threesome to say goodbye to my first love. You see, for some time I've been cheating on them. There has been another love in my life. They have made me feel exactly how I used to feel when I first fell in love. You know how it is. Always in your thoughts. Counting the hours before you could be with them again. Looking back, things were never quite right. Sure at first, everything was supernova but even in those early days, there were times when they really hurt me. Eventually they lost their looks, they grew saggy, they even started to smell!! I knew I needed a new balance in my life. So tonight, after 370 miles together I'm dumping my very first pair of running shoes...just don't quite know how to tell them!
36:34 36:34 36:34 38.21
PhillipStanton I kid you not on the time. 

I'm currently sporting a lightly broken leg (non-dislocated fractures) and a grade II ACL injury for a skiing accident on Christmas Eve. 

So I can't run.

And I can't go very far on the cross-trainer in the gym.

So, being the Valentine's Three - the only way I could think of of joining in was to spend some quality time the person I love most (me!) and do the distance in three parts, on three separate days on the cross-trainer.
49:16:42 49:16:42 49:16:42 0.44

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