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Edinburgh Half-Marathon

Sun March 16 2008
Listed by ChrisU
Entrants (43)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
-caz- Totally out of conditon, mind body & legs aren't in the 'zone'.  Just hoping to finish in 1 piece.

Outcome - Very happy considering - See my blog for a comprehensive race report ;)
1:46:33 2:00:19 2:15:00 2:12:25 43.58
AMBERSKYES If the wind had been behind us  rather than against us for 11 miles i rekon i might have had a shot at  a 1.42!!..had a great day and thouroughly delighted with my green and blacks shortbread!!..oh and my pb!!!:-)
1:44:12 1:44:12 1:42:00 1:44:12 61.46
Bazoaxe first 2 miles withbwind were great, found it hard into the wind and missed a pb as a result, still a decent time given conditions.

organisation not great and kids fun run was a disgrace apparently
1:22:57 1:29:11 1:30:00 1:29:11 66.86
Big Al Widepants This is with the prevailing wind all the way although knowing my luck, it'll be an Easterly on race day. I should manage in the low 1.40s although I plan to try and kick on for the elusive 1.39.xx. Update; miserable race. Just felt bad and couldn't get going. 14.47 for the forst 2 with a strong wind following. Turned back into it and just stood still for the next 11 miles. Crushingly disappointing as i had done quite a bit of work for this one. I feel I am just getting worse and there's no way of arresting the slide. Probably won't feel like this tomorrow but at the moment I fancy packing it in.
1:51:10 1:44:20 1:39:30 1:47:01 57.58
Billy-Whizz-Haining 11 miles of wind, wheres the rennies,lol, hard slog but pleased with the time considering the conditions
Harwich Runners
1:22:17 1:22:17 1:25:00 1:25:25 77.29
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
1:34:47 1:44:02 1:52:20 52.00
cake muncher POOR VALUE FOR MONEY!!!......Organisation was a shambles. Problems at the end of the course - narrow, too many twists and sharp turns, baggage retrieval a disaster and a nightmare exiting the car park to name a few. Have this bunch not learned from previous year's disasters???.......NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!
Falkland Trail Runners
1:17:15 1:17:25 1:18:25 77.29
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC
1:34:44 1:34:44 1:40:00 1:34:44 66.31
connelld This was not the finest 83 minuts of my life. Started in correct area to my number (2249). Stated my PB in forms as 1:21, but asked the guy next to me what time he was expecting. Said he was hoping for 2:10. I took me 3 minutes to get to start line after gun (I was too far to have even heard that) and I'm now not a happy bunny. Spent first 2 miles dodging through people trying to catch up time. First 2 miles took just under 14 minutes.
Now running like a maddie at my 10k pace (Pretty similar to my 1/2 marathon pace to be fair), I just kept trying to storm through as many people as I could. Some words of encouragement from my coach (e.g. What the hell you doing Connell?) persuaded me to maintain this pace. Ended up averaging 6:19 minute miles on last 11m.
The race was a bit frustrating, but I calculated I probably only lost a minute, so I wouldn't have PB'd. Actually enjoyed the day considering and got a few wind ups in the bus back home.
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:17:24 1:21:45 1:23:51 69.04
Crystal Tips In the middle of marathon training for Lochaber so not going all out on this one, but really want to get a better time than last couple of half's.  Forgot my watch on the day! Think I should do that more often as a PB - only by seconds compared to last year, but way better than my other half marathons. It was a bit disorganised at times (especially the car park!) but I'll be back next year.
1:55:33 1:55:33 2:05:00 1:55:33
1:33:53 1:36:29 2:01:00 47.50
Doonhamer Will attempt to run at target marathon pace, however havent really managed to get much training in over the last few weeks - Hopefully the wind will be in the right direction UPDATE -  Very happy with my time Ran at or around MTP throughout which felt quite easy throughout. Maybe not as unfit as i thought i was or just lucky on the day
Linlithgow AAC
1:18:20 1:22:33 1:25:00 1:22:33 69.90
Duggie W Beat the prediction but only just (chip time). Didn't feel comfortable throughout and found it very tough going into the headwind. Pleased with the time though.
1:39:27 1:39:27 1:40:00 1:39:27 58.21
Ellem UPDATE Unofficial watch time ,but should be about right. Really pleased with that considering the strong headwind. Going in the right direction time-wise - last Half Marathon was well over 2 hours so am well pleased with that. Great to finally meet Tigger :-) also saw Bungee, LorraineS, Bedshaped, Caz and some other fetchies but can't remember who at the moment.
East Lothian Triathlon Club
1:50:15 1:58:26 1:59:00 1:58:26 60.60
Gokeith watch time,prob be wee bit quicker with chip time. reasonably happy with run,1st real race for about 4months and felt the pace after 1st mile when turning into wind and struggled a bit for a few miles.ran with a group for a few miles and pushed the pace on after 6m.Fast course but wind into face for approx 11.5miles which def slowed the time.Would head back to run this one again.Enjoyable day out.CHIP time-7seconds quicker than gun time,1.17.00 wish i hadn't slowed up on the line since 1.16.59 sounds much faster!!!!  ;-)
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Loudoun Runners AC
1:14:54 1:17:00 1:17:00 77.44
Elswick Harriers
1:56:03 1:56:03 1:56:03 54.14
hannkies Pb by a MASSIVE ( !! ) 10 seconds, so happy enough with that given the windy conditions. Struggled all week with a sore toe, and unsure if I was going to race till yesterday so got to be pleased. Enjoyed the race bar the baggage fiasco at the end, and would do it again ( with the wind the other way this time ! ). Finished 18th and 2nd V35, and well done to clubmates GoKeith and Andy McGhee for a couple of excellent runs.
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:15:52 1:18:07 1:18:07 75.74
1:55:16 1:56:16 2:02:01 51.48
Hibeedeb hmmm. I'd LIKE to get a PB here.  PB'd at my 10 miler last weekend, and running is going reasonably, but I fear I'm a bit undertrained for a half.  A gale force westerly would be good though!
Dead pleased with my time, and will be even more pleased if my official time takes me under the 1.58!  That wind was tough!!!
Pirate Ship Of Fools
1:52:38 1:52:38 2:02:00 1:58:01 60.10
jamesstewart13 As suspected the PB was a bridge too far given the cold over the last week or so. Pleased with the effort but the headwind for most of the race was damn energy sapping.

Notes on the race itself. Course was garbage, having to pak your car at Musselbrugh then get a bus to Cramond was garbage. Post-race, no fruit being given out which was a first in my race experience, even in small races and the exit from the car-park was a nightmare as we had to cross the runners. Doubt I will be visiting the capital next year, I much preferred the 2007 iteration of this race.
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC
1:16:33 1:38:23 1:40:00 1:38:23 58.42
Harmeny AC
1:51:05 1:51:05 1:55:00 1:51:05 65.38
1:54:55 1:56:13 1:56:13 54.26
Limmynis Very cold at the start. Wind and rain for first three miles and then quite windy for the rest of the run. Felt okay and very pleased with how I did.
1:51:55 1:51:01 2:00:00 1:52:40 57.10
1:48:32 2:02:11 2:02:11 52.02
Maverick69 very tough wind in your face most of the way. wonderful scenery
1:44:47 1:48:46 1:48:46 54.40
Armadale AAC
1:16:33 1:21:14 1:22:28 77.97
pdmacmill bad start at this race but after about a mile really enjoyed this race and finished strong
Garden City Runners
1:40:00 1:40:00 1:40:00 57.47
PentlandPounder Well, after mile 4 I thought my PB  hopes were scuppered, and I was regretting my overambitous PB statement below, and all the bets whcih resulted. Then decided it was only wind, and pushed on to beat my BP by over 2 mins. Quite chuffed in the circumstances.  
I thought this was pretty well organised -didn't encounter any problems , other than having to hang about a bit until the Woodside Hotel bar opened,- a good morning out

I'll be gutted If I don't beat my PB  - relatively flat course, wind should be in our favour - recent training disrupted a bit due to hospital visit, but back on track ( well road - you know what I mean).
1:42:35 1:43:55 1:45:00 1:48:44 56.67
plodding on After 4 miles left knee started to give problems could'nt get any speed without pain just had to slow down to get round.
Kinross Road Runners
1:31:21 1:38:24 1:30:40 1:38:24 62.62
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC
1:34:18 1:36:30 1:36:30 67.80
Edinburgh Athletic Club
1:15:24 1:22:36 1:23:50 68.56
RichyC This race will form part of my training for Edinburgh Marathon in May.  Haven't done it before but I'm keen to try this flat course and try for a pb on it.  UPDATE: Garmin time 1.24.53 and a new pb by 4mins!  Amazing race.  Set off strong, felt great and just kept it going.  Felt as comfortable as I've ever done running a 1/2.  Training appears to be paying off.
1:18:55 1:23:33 1:24:52 67.72
Screeners If I can beat my previous half-mara time I will be happy.  Training going well at moment so a definite possibility.  AFTER:  I've beat my previous half-mara time by 13 mins!! and if it hadn't been for the wind I think it would have been faster.  Kept waiting to feel tired, slow down, want to stop and it just didn't happen.  Felt comfortable and steady the whole way and overtook people right up to the last minute.  Not overly impressed with the course, the dilapidated industrial estates and smell from the sewage treatment works was a bit offputting.  And the wind was awful.  But I got a massive PB so I don't care!!  I think I've peaked now, not sure if I'll ever run this fast again!!
Elswick Harriers
2:06:01 2:06:01 2:15:00 2:06:01 50.82
1:37:27 1:45:40 1:58:00 1:45:40 58.81
Smout Over the moon with this, sped up a bit too much in the middle and suffered last 3 miles.  But I know what's lacking in my training so can get to work on that!  

Oh that wind - but I don't feel as bad as I thought I would :D

Chip time wee bit better !!!
Portobello RC, UKnetrunner
1:26:31 1:50:37 1:54:00 1:51:49 56.18
Harmeny AC
1:31:12 1:38:17 1:39:00 61.22
Ticketyboo Nice to be back racing after recent injury and content with my time. Felt good for first 8 miles and then it all went a bit down hill with muscles cramping up badly.

Congrats to Fannybawz, who had a fantastic run in his first half marathon making it look a breeze. 

Great course, pathetic organisation. It took almost as long to get out the car park as it did to run the race. (Finishing Position 52 out of 2372)
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:14:11 1:22:26 1:22:35 69.87
Portobello RC
1:30:55 1:36:23 1:39:45 63.36
Vic Mason Pencilled this in as part of my marathon training for Lochaber.  I have never run a half marathon race before so I have predicted a time of 1.30......ideally would love to hit about 1.26 or less.  **** UPDATE**** Under 1.25 - Ya Dancer!  Official chip time 1.24.36 which placed me 80th / 2372.  I had an excellent race today albeit in tough conditions due to 11 miles or so into a headwind.  Felt strong throughout up until the 11m marker where I felt I started to fizzle out but somehow managed to dig in for the remainder of the race.  Well done to Hamshank & Ticketyboo, especially after their recent calf & hamstring problems - That said they now both have very sore necks as they were constantly looking over their shoulder expecting Fannbawz to pass them!!!  Race organisation at start & finish had a lot to be desired.
Kirkintilloch Olympians
1:20:14 1:23:56 1:30:00 1:24:36 72.23
YasAl No bad for a first race and only 3 months of training!
2:20:00 2:20:00 2:25:00 2:20:00 45.56
z1000jeff Nine days out of 10 that wind would have been at our back. Had it been I'm sure I could have done a PB .... at the very least I could have beaten my prediction .... so I'm a bit disappointed.
1:35:33 1:39:00 1:40:00 1:41:55 60.97

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