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City of Manchester 10K

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (20)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
AllyB Got a good time (my watch time) even with the up and down bits and having to go around people on the 2nd/3rd laps. Slacked off a bit in the second half so could've done this even quicker. Hopefully the chip time this year will give the actual time and not the time from the gun. Enjoyed the race and plenty of water and great support. Looks like my chip time (43.50) is faster than my watch time (43.57)... even better! **UPDATE**
I'm updating this to my chip time so that for my next 10k I've got a faster time to beat!
Manchester Tri
38:35 41:31 45:00 43:50 60.25
Doctor K When you start about 100m from the gun how can the gun and chip times be the same -many have lower chip times than gun times but I noticed a significant number of equal times down the field -which tells me the chip timing was rubbish for a lot of us -relied on watch time.
Good run -warm I thought -and totally spent at the end. 23 secs off a PB if I had concentrated on my watch maybe I might have been a second faster !
Bolton United Harriers & AC
49:08 50:14 52:30 51:08 57.14
ellew Enjoyed it, but struggled.  Not great time.  Will have to work hard for Trafford 10k.
49:40 51:09 54:20 53.24
hyde village striders
48:50 1:01:12 1:01:12 47.27
Hev Nice race - but found it hard work.  Feel so unfit at the moment.  Have hardly done any training of late.  It was good motivation for me to get back into it!!
53:12 55:28 59:11 48.70
Lincoln & District Runners, UKnetrunner
46:55 54:54 1:00:02 45.02
Karate Chop Having been training much as I haven't been well and haven't even run 10km  recently so I am pleased that my fitness hasn't subsided too much. The Jelly Bean every Km worked well for me. Wasn't looking forward to the race but I was pleased with my time and it gave my self esteem a boost.
Chorlton Runners
54:57 1:01:55 1:06:06 43.52
LambChop Really enjoyed race and FINALLY managed to get PB and run under an hour! Yippeeeee!!
Hermitage Harriers RC
54:17 55:25 59:18 48.78
Luiz What a fantastic race! Definitley my favourite 10K so far. Can't believe the time, I was aiming for sub-60, so 58 mins is fantastic
57:30 57:50 59:59 57:50 49.75
M62 Santa Marvellous - a fantastic race, good PB potential, well supported. 
There's nothing like finishing in the regional athletics arena. 

I got a PB this day finishing 1m40s ahead of my target time.
I still had some fuel left in the tank at the end though, so need to imopriove my strategy.
40:43 48:20 50:00 48:20 54.80
Martin H
41:39 46:33 46:33 56.71
Obigone Very late entry for this! Wasn't sure I wanted to do it again after last year(I went off too quick to try and make up time after the bottle-neck at the start!), but I couldn't resist!**UPDATE** Whoo Hoo!! Big P.B. for me!! Time is watch time after last year I don't trust the
Stockport Harriers & AC
40:21 43:37 45:00 43:37 66.98
44:49 50:06 55:00 52:55 49.89
Runtrue Over 2 mins quicker than last year so pleased with result
Bramhall Runners
50:59 55:27 55:27 54.61
Sale Harriers Manchester
35:44 42:00 42:00 63.07
58:20 1:02:11 1:05:00 1:02:11 46.30
Should Av Run Quicker Place your bets now, I've officially entered and I will PB, I've put 100 on myself to make sure. 1st time at this event but I believe is flat. ***Slight update, I'm going to try for a 19min 1st 5k then 18.30min second 5k, let's see***

***UPDATE**** Oh dear, what a disaster (serves me right for being cocky) my race plan of a 19min 1st 5k ended up being 18.34 by my watch but 18.56 by the markers so not too bad. I kept looking at the watch and slowing myself down to stick to the plan. Even at 6k I was still 7 secs ahead. I was told it was slightly long so set my garmin at 1.01k splits, to end up at 10.1k finish which ended up being 10.2k. It wasn't that flat either, and there were quite a few back markers you had to run around, but I should have no excuses I felt crap all the way around, ran a rubbish race from start to finish, didn't have the legs in the last half. It was pathetic!!!!! Next time I'm binning my watch and just going flat out from the start. Sorry to those who bet (inc me) on me as I should have done better. OK Platt fields 10k next week I'm a cert to PB, place your bets..... forget it, I've heard this before.*****
Stockport Harriers & AC
35:27 38:08 37:59 38:49 71.13
Thryn Enjoyed this year more than last. Glad to have come in under the hour as I've not been training much recently.
Fell Runners Association, Bramhall Runners
55:15 59:22 59:22 51.01
57:15 1:01:41 1:10:00 1:07:13 45.05
55:47 1:02:11 1:02:11 44.76

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