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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Brighton Reebok 10K

Entrants (30)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alan 4th PB from 4 races!  Really enjoyed this although the water at 3k a bit of a shock.  Will definitely be back next year.
41:53 48:50 50:00 48:50 54.06
Liss Runners
44:50 44:50 47:00 46:47 56.76
40:00 40:00 40:00 66.03
49:48 49:48 49:48 56.78
London FrontRunners
40:53 44:21 46:47 56.43
Chicken Licken Yes well hot, hot, hot and walkers with dogs!! set off far too quickly and the chinese the night before ooh big mistake!!
1:02:56 1:02:56 1:05:00 1:02:56 46.37
chunky Should be interesting, it's flat apparently......I didn't do very well, could have been drinking and eating all the previous day or the full English breakfast 90 mins before either way the last 3 km lasted forever
Cyclists Touring Club
48:23 48:23 52:00 51:57 57.19
Cookie I'll be happy with anything under 40
Was a bit wound up at the start because I didn’t warm up properly and I wasn’t as near the front as I would have liked. Consequently went off harder than I probably should have, though it did mean I got round the turn and cleared the back markers quicker. Settled into a good rhythm along the sea front, one that I felt I could maintain. Through halfway in 19’11”. Lost it a bit after the final turn but recovered in the 9th kilometre and kept it going to the finish. Officially sub 40, which is good enough. But chip time was just outside 39, which I’m delighted with. Only 18 seconds outside the times I was running last summer, when I was in much better condition.
Ranelagh Harriers
39:10 39:10 39:59 39:10 69.45
43:16 43:16 43:16 64.04
Dulwich Park Runners
50:05 50:05 50:05 58.27
59:16 59:16 59:16 51.10
Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC
41:35 44:11 45:33 59.72
Hollywoof! :-)
41:45 41:45 41:45 63.60
Crowborough Runners
44:31 51:03 51:03 54.52
linsblake Brilliant race and finally cracked the 50mins barrier which feels fantastic.  Had awful stitch at 6km but gritted my teeth and kept going and so happy with the result.

Lovely to meet everyone - I've had a tricky couple of days and almost didn't do the race but meeting you all beforehand really cheered me up so thanks for the PB!
49:42 49:42 49:42 59.49
Making_Tracks Oh I so want to come in under the 60 mins mark.  Last 10k was x-country, slippy and hilly.  This promises to be flat and fast.  Please don't stop to do your shoes laces up in front of me!

Not seen the chip time yet but Garmin time came in at 55:48 so a new 10K PB. Great sunny weather although a little cold to start.  A great run.  

Chip time confirmed at 56:03

splits:5.18, 5.22, 5.42, 5.33, 5.23, 6.13, 5.37, 5.35, 5.39 & 5.26  (#8 - I threw everything left into the last 1k!)

I met Max, RPG, StringSideUp, Linsblake and others. The Fetch community is brilliant!
52:53 56:03 58:00 56:03 54.03
Marmotte Hi, hope eveyone enjoyed it.  Conditions couldn't have been better, felt it was a bit messy for the first 2k but otherwise good fun.  Oh and PB, which always helps.
Steyning AC
41:52 43:51 43:50 43:51 62.04
Max71 Not done this before I PB'd during last months GSR so I'm hoping to PB again.  It is worth betting one me, I know I have it in me.

Wayhey!!!  Pretty pleased with this, I could have gone sub 60 but I'm saving that for the next one.  Cheers for all those that bet on me an 8 minute PB should have earned you all some lovely credits.
57:02 1:00:49 1:05:00 1:00:49 47.99
Mikuro My first race right on my own doorstep, hoping to beat 60mins if I feel good, but would be happy with 70mins I guess....*********
58:54 - COME ON!!! How I managed sub 60 I will never know!!! Great great great race, the last 3km were hard work but I managed to push myself through them, finishing with a sprint (!!!!) to the finish. What a rush. Glorious weather too. Not bad for my first ever race!! 
1819th overall, 276th woman.
58:54 58:54 1:10:00 58:54 48.84
neems First time doing this one.  Have heard that it's a PB course, flat and fast, so hopefully I can follow that through with a PB!  It's a long way off yet though...
*Update* Amazed!!  Can't believe it was me who ran this time!  Was not confident about getting a PB at all before hand and am chuffed to bits with this!! :o)
45:42 55:57 55:57 51.41
Striders of Croydon AC
59:42 1:09:42 1:12:39 36.82
Wadhurst Runners
39:03 45:46 45:39 45:46 70.90
Puffing Bertie Fab race thanks to RGP for pacing me and putting up with my eratic running and wingeing!

It was great to meet so many fetchies and sorry if i didnt wave as you passed me going the other way i just was soconcentrating on not actually being sick!
53:43 54:46 54:46 55.30
44:40 46:30 46:30 63.36
RG Postie (RGP) A lovely sunny morning for this run,it was good to meet new Fetchies before and after the race,and I briefly saw Boo Boo at around 6.5k,the plan today was to pace Puffing Bertie,I'm pleased to say that she knocked a whopping 2:16 off her previous PB,well done Bertie,this was followed by Fish & Chips with PB,Max,Hollywood and Shiraz,a really enjoyable afternoon.
Reading Roadrunners
45:48 45:48 54:46 48.65
Spans My first race backafter being out for 3.5months and although i had a plan, it kind of went out of the window within the first 10 metres... but I felt strong until about the last 2km when it was a grit my teeth and finish... which I did!
Ranelagh Harriers
36:28 36:28 38:08 76.27
steve-o First ever 10K so a PB
London Heathside Runners AC
43:29 43:29 46:00 43:29 61.27
StringSideUp First 10K. Predicted time from recent halfs and 10M is just under an hour, but who knows.   UPDATE  Pleased with that.  Cd see at 3K I was a couple of min ahead of the split time worked out for a 57:30 time, and missed all the other markers until 7K but just kept running at somewhat uncomfortable pace.  Maybe could've gone faster?  Perfect weather: cold and sunny.
55:15 55:15 58:00 55:15 57.16
51:30 57:51 1:00:00 57:51 45.64
wizlyn 39:04 chip time. Met a few fetchies too which is always great. Beautiful day and the sub-40 I wanted, couldn't have been better :-) 

Well that said... maybe if I'd actually paid attention to my shoe-laces, and hadn't had to stop c. 5km to tie them back up... could have gone under 39 perhaps... - but I'll leave that for another day!
Serpentine RC
38:01 39:04 39:04 73.70

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