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401 Marathons in 401 Days #401runwithben

21 watchers
Oct 2016
8:02pm, 2 Oct 2016
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Yes, I saw he got a PB - to run 3.39 on marathon 398 (and after the injuries he's had, not to mention the metal fatigue) is just incredible.

Really pleased for him, what he's done has been just amazing, really hope he hits his fundraising target.
Oct 2016
4:49pm, 3 Oct 2016
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I'll be running with Ben tomorrow on his penultimate marathon #400 (along with a gang of others from Southville RC and hopefully many others).

To break his PB after so much effort is outstanding, but I'm not totally astonished. When he returned to Southville a few weeks ago he looked noticeably leaner than when he began (and he wasn't any slouch back then). You might think that someone would be worn down and emaciated after an effort like this but it's clear that - despite the injuries - it's made him stronger. Which makes it all the more inspiring.
Oct 2016
4:54pm, 3 Oct 2016
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When I spoke to Ben (in Jan/Feb time) he said his PB was sub-3:15 (I remember because that was my target at the time). I wonder whether he means his best during the 401? (not that it matters either way)
Oct 2016
5:04pm, 3 Oct 2016
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That wouldn't surprise me. I thought he was a fair bit faster than me (my own marathon PB is 3:40:01) but I thought maybe the whole consecutive marathons thing had overtaken getting PBs. To be in such good shape and get sub 3:40 is still incredible.
Oct 2016
5:09pm, 3 Oct 2016
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That makes sense Nelly if it is a 401 PB - I thought he had said, when I first ran with him in Nov 15, that his PB was 3:15-ish, when I saw the post on FB yesterday I thought maybe I'd got it wrong.
Oct 2016
5:16pm, 3 Oct 2016
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I saw him several times at Bournemouth yesterday, he said a few words and actually started the race before hopping into the pens to run. Was getting a lot of encouragement from both runners and spectators. Sounds like he's pretty close to his fundraising target too.
Oct 2016
2:41pm, 4 Oct 2016
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the bloke's a complete legend & a damned fine runner to boot.
As this remarkable man reaches the end of this challenge it's good to see the media have FINALLY jumped onboard. Better late than never.

To run with Ben 401 has been a life-affirming privilege.

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About This Thread

Maintained by Nightjar
Let's support Ben Smith who is running "...401 marathons in 401 consecutive days around 309 different locations of the UK. The aim is to raise £250,000 for two fantastic charities, ‘Stonewall’ and ‘Kidscape’. Both these charities work tirelessly to combat bullying in our schools and society."

This is a staggering commitment - no injuries or days off feeling poorly are allowed. He is a lovely chap, a joy to run with, and he'll run at anyone's pace. He has already inspired many people to run their first marathon with him.


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