Aug 2009
7:28pm, 26 Aug 2009
183 posts
Every 2lbs less = 10s/mile? So I should be half min/mile quicker this month than last? Think I can disprove that theory - oh, or have you got to train as well?
Aug 2009
7:34pm, 26 Aug 2009
8,304 posts
You near as dammit win, though, paul a
Aug 2009
7:38pm, 26 Aug 2009
8,305 posts
Actually ... this year I have won TEN marathons
Select your event well, and getting thin doesn't matter.
(Incidentally, I didn't lose an ounce during the 10-in-10, and didn't eat a huge amount more than normal. All that stuff about people struggling to eat enough to fuel their way through the event was bollox lightly drizzled with snake oil.)
Aug 2009
9:06pm, 26 Aug 2009
4,245 posts
Rach E
I've run my best and worst 10ks at exactly the same weight. Weight definitely makes a difference, but so do a myriad of other factors....
Aug 2009
9:27pm, 26 Aug 2009
1,494 posts
congratulations Big Al!
I agree that it makes a difference - my fastest halfs were when I weighed about 6 pounds lighter. I wouldn't class myself as light and most girls that run fast half times are a good bit thinner than me.
But there again its multifactorial - suspect they train harder than my current life permits!
Aug 2009
9:46pm, 31 Aug 2009
1,917 posts
I've lost 4 lb in the last month Not sure it'll make a huge amount of difference mind. My age 24 racing weight was about 18 lb lighter than I currently am and I was about 4 min quicker over 10k than my recent best. If I apply the equation I'd be faster now than I was then, which is silly, so I'd take it with a small pinch of salt!
Aug 2009
9:50pm, 31 Aug 2009
8,330 posts
12 years ago, I weighed about 7lb less than I do now, and the only exercise I did was walking short journeys instead of taking the car. There is no earthly way I can imagine being that weight now.
I rather like having shoulders and arms instead of bits of string dangling down from each side of my neck, though
Aug 2009
9:54pm, 31 Aug 2009
1,918 posts
good point vrap, muscles can actually be helpful for running too.
I was worried by the girl on the front of RW this month, could have been the lighting but she looked like a banned size 0 model to me! Bloody silly mag, must get round to cancelling my subs
Aug 2009
9:59pm, 31 Aug 2009
8,332 posts
The cover model was the least of the silliness in the current RW
Aug 2009
10:02pm, 31 Aug 2009
1,919 posts
unfortunately I put it down after seeing the cover