Apr 2016
5:41pm, 13 Apr 2016
5,399 posts
Or perhaps agree to five minutes of 'greeting' on a lead if necessary but then while the business meeting takes place it's best if the dog is elsewhere (is there someone else in the house who could take it for a walk at that time?)
A new dog needs to get used to visitors of course, but continued jumping/biting with no correction/discouragement is simply rewarding the bad behaviour
Apr 2016
6:00pm, 13 Apr 2016
6,824 posts
I don't think there's generally anyone else there during work hours. I can suggest the lead, 5 mins of greeting and see what happens. Thank you!
Apr 2016
6:07pm, 13 Apr 2016
2,657 posts
Alice the Camel
D2 - Charlie doesn't bite my feet (although he goes for Mini's toes if she's bare footed - sausages!) but he still regularly jumps up to bite my sleeves if I'm sat at the table. If he happens to catch skin - ouch! It's frustrating isn't it, but something we both have to persevere with discouraging. He's also started barking which I'm trying my best to ignore...grrr!
BBL - the new test rules sound more sensible. I smiled at the thought of relaxed isolation, we're doing relaxed settle at the moment which is difficult enough!
Just got back from the vet, Charlie's ear infection is no better after 6 weeks of treatment so tomorrow they will do a proper investigation under general anaesthetic. Poor little puppy I'm hoping they will find a foreign body to remove, otherwise we're running out of ideas as to what can be causing it.
Apr 2016
6:16pm, 13 Apr 2016
9,144 posts
Great idea from the Baroness ( as usual )
Alice - puppy needle bites and scratches do go on for a bit, especially if he's teething. Poor Charlie and his ear though. 6 weeks is a long time.
Apr 2016
6:31pm, 13 Apr 2016
5,400 posts
Poor Charlie - I hope they can sort him out tomorrow
Apr 2016
7:55pm, 13 Apr 2016
14,486 posts
Poor Charlie, I've had fingers crossed all week that it would have cleared up. I hope the vet finds the cause so it can be treated xx
Apr 2016
8:05pm, 13 Apr 2016
8,752 posts
So sorry to hear Charlie still has problem with his ear, lets hope they can find a cause and he ok.
I have been having a conversation with my trainer today about how to manage dog and visitors.
We have agreed that she should be on a lead and expected to behave calmly for a little while in the presence of visitors but should not be the focus of attention. The visitor has come to see me not her!
She can come in to be reassured that its ok for visitors to be invited in but they are not here for her benefit and she must behave. After a reassuring few minutes she will go into another room for a rest while I enjoy my visitors.
A dog should never be allowed to jump up on people; you wouldn't let your children do it?
Apr 2016
8:13pm, 13 Apr 2016
9,145 posts
That sounds super sensible D2 ... and not a mile away from old fashioned child rearing
I don't mean old fashioned in a bad way - just that some peeps seem to think their darling offspring and/or darling pet should always be the centre of attention. then they wonder why said child/pet is a self centred nightmare.
We say to the demanding hound in our house, 'Shut up Jess, grown-ups talking!'
Apr 2016
9:22pm, 13 Apr 2016
5,401 posts
Quite right Sharkie - when we first got Wanda we used to have 'Humans Half Hour' which was a similar principle to 'Grown-ups half hour' when my parents had friends over.
I couldn't agree more with the middle paragraph of your comment!
That all sounds very sensible, re visitors D.... it's a shame the person Katie visited (previous page of thread) isn't doing the same thing
Apr 2016
9:24pm, 13 Apr 2016
5,402 posts
Should add - the Grown ups half hour referred to above would have been about 40 years ago... I think it was less of an issue by the time I got to about 15....