Mar 2016
3:33pm, 3 Mar 2016
5,236 posts
It's a lovely picture by the way and she doesn't look fat at all
Mar 2016
4:20pm, 3 Mar 2016
8,616 posts
Sorry for delayed reply .... she is about 7 months according to vet and the dog trainer agrees with this from her behaviour. You are right S indulged - allowed to pull on lead, jumps up, allowed to eat with humans from the table, allowed on furniture and beds, doesn't understand drop / give etc and so snatches - sigh - however as yet no real sign of abuse from her reactions but the evening madness did lead last night to snapping at me and she is too big for that behaviour. I'm a bit at a loss and not looking forward to tonight, I don't want to resort to shutting her in the other room but it may come to that. We'll see.
Jess reminds me so much of my Jade... a few dogs ago.
I've been really emotional today for some reason; tired I think.
Mar 2016
4:21pm, 3 Mar 2016
13,514 posts
Good update on Bella - she ate 90% of her dinner (more Chappie) and must be feeling more chipper because when she went out in the garden afterwards she had a good woofing session which she didn't bother with yesterday, and she and Flossie have had a good game with various balls and flying toys :-). Must have been a passing 'something' that's cleared up.
Mar 2016
4:24pm, 3 Mar 2016
8,617 posts
and worried that I wont be able to manage her and do it right..
Mar 2016
4:29pm, 3 Mar 2016
13,515 posts
You will D. It'll take time, patience and an iron will (as well as properly directed kindness not misguided indulgence) and I reckon you're the person for all that!
Mar 2016
4:35pm, 3 Mar 2016
8,913 posts
You WILL. You ARE!
Perhaps putting her on the naughty step - ie the other room - would be right on this occasion? If she constantly demands attention then removing yourself from her will be the worst thing she can imagine (but won't actually hurt her) What did the trainer suggest for over excitability? (I imagine that's what it is - sounds like she ramps herself up - Jess used to)
Mar 2016
4:36pm, 3 Mar 2016
8,914 posts
Cross post with LD's wise words.
(Good news re Bella!)
Mar 2016
4:58pm, 3 Mar 2016
2,571 posts
Alice the Camel
D2 - I think she should have "time out" if she's being too boisterous. I'm just not sure how long that time out should be? Our trainer suggests 30 seconds - certainly no more than 2 minutes - with the pups, perhaps try a couple of minutes and see?
Mar 2016
5:00pm, 3 Mar 2016
2,572 posts
Alice the Camel
BTW, lovely photo Sharkie, Jess is a magnificent animal! And not fat at all, you can see that. Glad Bella is feeling better, her family will soon be back now and you can hand over responsibility LD
Mar 2016
5:13pm, 3 Mar 2016
8,915 posts
Our lower ground floor front door opens into a small square (welly depository) area before a second inner door. When Jess was at her furious tornado worst we tried shutting her in there for a few minutes.
Besides howling the house down with rage she managed to seriously damage two doors and a length of skirting board. I'm going to have to look back to see what worked with Jess - but it wasn't that, it just made her angrier.
All dogs are so different though.