Feb 2016
10:47am, 25 Feb 2016
2,524 posts
Alice the Camel
Flossie really is a star. I remember how well mannered she was when I met her. Charlie and I aspire to similar, but I fear we're a way off yet.
Success story! Thanks again to the words of wisdom on this lifesaver of a thread. I spent yesterday trying to tempt Charlie with cheese to use his bed - a new taste for him. He loves cheese, it turns out (no surprise there). By the end of the day, we'd got to the stage where he'd climb onto his bed, wait for me to give him cheese, then climb off again.
This morning, I was pottering about in the kitchen and eventually noticed this:
Lying in his bed without a cheese bribe!
He still won't go in it if it's in the utility room, preferring to sleep on an old blanket in there but that's OK.
Feb 2016
10:56am, 25 Feb 2016
13,398 posts
He is so sweet - and a quick learner!
And you're right Baroness about pinching stuff off a worktop!!
Feb 2016
11:00am, 25 Feb 2016
8,846 posts
that dog is unbearably cute!
Feb 2016
12:26pm, 25 Feb 2016
5,179 posts
What a good boy Charlie is Cheese is a magic solution for quite a lot of things! Primula cheese that you can squirt into something like a kong or a hollow bone to keep them occupied is also very good
Feb 2016
12:29pm, 25 Feb 2016
2,874 posts
Charlie is so gorgeous - look at that face "heart"
Feb 2016
12:53pm, 25 Feb 2016
8,563 posts
unbearably cute is the correct description All these clever dogs!
I have just left mine for the first time as I had to pop to the vet's on a very sad errand but got back to find the house still standing and nothing chewed.. remarkable, I am a very lucky new owner.
We did our homework this morning, the trainer said go somewhere with no distractions to make sure you are not setting the dog up for a fail so we went inside the ceremony barn to do our walking to heal on a loose lead...... Bryony thinks I'm mad even with cheese bribes - "what is the point of this" is the question I saw in her eyes!
Feb 2016
1:10pm, 25 Feb 2016
19,021 posts
Red Squirrel
V cute Alice; what's the breed?
Feb 2016
1:11pm, 25 Feb 2016
13,400 posts
Oh yes, Primula, I'd forgotten about that! It also makes your fingers smell very interesting and keeps the dog paying close attention to you as you do all the heel/wheel/puppy recall type exercises
Feb 2016
1:50pm, 25 Feb 2016
2,525 posts
Alice the Camel
Must get some Primula! We start School tonight so I'm going to need all the help I can get.
RS - he's a Maltese terrier/poodle cross.
(I prefer this to "Maltipoo" which I'm rather embarrassed to say out loud)
Feb 2016
1:54pm, 25 Feb 2016
13,403 posts
I empathise with that Alice. All these -poo names sound a bit,*whispers* well, naff. (Apologies to everyone I've just offended :-))