Dec 2020
9:52am, 28 Dec 2020
9,551 posts
The biting is really hard. Rory was extremely bitey - he never learned not to as a puppy, plus he did it for comfort (like a toddler chewing on a toy, except he would chew on me!) I was permanently covered in bruises.
Even now he probably wouldn’t manage 10 repetitions of something without getting bored. He’ll also still run through all the behaviours he knows in the hope of getting rewarded for one of them!
Dec 2020
9:54am, 28 Dec 2020
4,142 posts
If Albie is anything like my Whippet, you’ll struggle with ‘sit’ on anything other than a warm and dry floor. Cleo can sit nicely in the house, but she’ll perform nothing more than a grudging ‘hover’ pose when outdoors in nice weather and nothing more than an outright refusal if it’s cold or it’s been raining.
Dec 2020
10:09am, 28 Dec 2020
8,608 posts
Wanda only has to see me pick up something she believes is a high value treat that is intended for her (eg piece of cheese or chicken) and I get shown every single thing she has ever been taught in the hope that one will be the right one - it's hilarious.
Dec 2020
10:35am, 28 Dec 2020
2,080 posts
I’m finding it really hard today. I’m not enjoying him at all - play is tedious (and quickly goes to biting), he’s ignoring any training and he’s bored and I’m bored. I’ve left him in the pen again. I just don’t know what to do with him.
I really worry he’ll become a bitey dog who bites other people. I know it’s a phase but I’ve not been able to make a dent on it yet and he’s now 13.5 weeks.
I so hope getting out for walks helps.
I’ll compose myself, get some chicken out and try some lead stuff or something.
I find the online training stuff the trainer has is useful but I kind of know it and when I try it it just doesn’t work that way with Albie and he just tries to get the treats out my pocket or pouch or wherever they are). I need a trainer right there with me to show me with him but right now that’s not possible.
But on the big positives I’ve left him in the pen and am sitting on the stairs and he’s being quiet. Something that didn’t happen at all a few weeks ago. So there is an improvement.
Dec 2020
10:40am, 29 Dec 2020
2,082 posts
Took Albie out to the end of the road and back (just 10 mins or so). It’s a day early but I think risk is low and we were desperate. He loved it. We practised our “loose-ish” leash walking. He’s snoozing now so hopefully this will help a lot!!
Dec 2020
11:16am, 29 Dec 2020
8,611 posts
That sounds promising PenW
Dec 2020
2:03pm, 29 Dec 2020
6,102 posts
Alice the Camel
Hang in there Pen. I think all that you’ve described is fairly normal behaviour for a young puppy. It’s so difficult being a “single parent” to a puppy, my OH was still living/working abroad when we first got Charlie and I remember feeling worn out a lot of the time!
Dec 2020
2:12pm, 29 Dec 2020
22,741 posts
Dave A
Pen, whilst he’s teething he will chew other people. It’s happened to me on walks with other dogs. It’s just what they do. If you can keep him distracted whilst on walks you’ll be fine.
Dec 2020
4:01pm, 29 Dec 2020
32,110 posts
Pen, there were definitely times with Floss that I thought 'Why have we got another dog?' because after two Labs who'd lived to great ages I'd forgotten what unpleasant hard work a puppy can sometimes be. It will get better, honestly, and they do grow out of that bitey phase (helped by consistent training and diversion into 'wanted' behaviour.
Dec 2020
4:12pm, 29 Dec 2020
17,103 posts
Exactly what LD says. Jess was incredibly hard work and a complete land shark. I may well still bear the scars! (Ok, I'm joking - but skin was broken on numerous occasions, jumpers were ruined and some furniture DOES bear the scars!)
So important to keep the faith now - then the puppy who drives you bonkers stands a chance of growing into the dog you couldn't be without!
And - difficult with Covid conditions - but when you can a good group training class is well worth it. and any sort of socialisation you are able to do will help. Even with Covid rules to be obeyed get out and about and introduce Albie to as many new things as you legally and sensiibly can! New experiences while very young really work - AND will wear him out.