Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

107 watchers
May 2020
9:06am, 4 May 2020
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Alice the Camel
Happy birthday Frankie, you handsome chap!

Charlie has missed one groom and is about to miss a second groom appointment this week. I normally take home every 4-6 weeks. I got a message last night to say when they reopen, the cost will go up to £45 from the current £35. I know the groomer has lost a lot of income through being closed, and they will be putting in place lots of extra safety measures re Covid, but that seems a bit steep for a monthly outlay. Can I ask what folk on here think is a reasonable charge for a basic groom?
May 2020
9:23am, 4 May 2020
30,913 posts
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Hmm! Ours is £39 I think. I don't get it done as regularly as I should so only every 10/12 weeks. I pay less for my own hair cut.
May 2020
9:44am, 4 May 2020
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Alice the Camel
Me too, halfpint!
May 2020
9:46am, 4 May 2020
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Ours has been £35 - last time I went she said it would be going up from April, but it was only a pound or two. Obviously that was before she had to close because of Covid-19. We only take ours about 10 weekly - it's a bit pricey for the two of them!
I suppose if they have to do additional clean and change between each appointment that reduces the number of appointments per day, and increases costs - but as you say £35 -> £45 is a big jump
May 2020
9:58am, 4 May 2020
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Alice the Camel
I’m debating in my head whether to buy clippers and try to do it myself, or just bite the bullet and pay up. She makes a lovely job of it...
May 2020
10:07am, 4 May 2020
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Happy Birthday. :)
May 2020
10:14am, 4 May 2020
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Happy birthday!

Thankfully Rory doesn’t have a coat that needs grooming, as I don’t think there’s any chance he’d tolerate me near him with clippers.
May 2020
10:17am, 4 May 2020
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'nuff said :)
May 2020
10:21am, 4 May 2020
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Fizz :-)
Pops in. How much for the clippers, Alice? You could try doing it yourself with the occasional professional one as a treat?
May 2020
10:35am, 4 May 2020
15,877 posts
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Why do dogs need grooming and trimming all of a sudden?
It's a new phenomenon surely. Have we bread hairier dogs or are dogs that need a regular clip more common?

I don't remember anyone ever using a "parlour" for their dogs say 30 years ago.

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