Sep 2019
6:19pm, 5 Sep 2019
7,796 posts
We have been to the vets for our 6 month check up that we get as part of the payment plan we are on. Wanda is at least 2kg (possibly pushing 3) overweight. Given her size this is not in obese territory but recently I have taken to calling her Wanda Waddlebucket - which BaronBR thought was unfair. The vet said we should cut her food by 25% so I asked some pertinent questions such as 'What about giving her toast in the morning?' (horrified look from vet) What about if someone in the household has a biscuit - there is no need for her to have a biscuit at the same time is there? (even more horrified look). I am glad BaronBR was there to hear this. A feeding regime of what is and isn't allowed is going to be drawn up and stuck on the door of 'Wanda's cupboard'..... I'm not sure who is going to be the harder to train to understand it
Sep 2019
6:41pm, 5 Sep 2019
34,118 posts
Derby Tup
Been for a walk with Stef and our Tuss. He’s by far the perkiest he’s been post-op. We saw a nurse first thing this morning and she was happy with his wounds. Feels like we’re heading in the right direction
Sep 2019
7:31pm, 5 Sep 2019
3,824 posts
Alice the Camel
I’m glad to hear that Tuss is recovering well.
BBL, we were also at the vet this week, to begin the rabies screening hoop that we need to jump through in case of a no deal Brexit (grrr!). Coincidentally, Charlie is also a couple of kgs heavier than the vet would like, although not obese. We have introduced a blanket ban on human food. We are both guilty of slipping him titbits, and I guess over time the calories add up.
Anyway, back for stage 2 (blood test) in 30 days so we’ll see if chonky Charlie has managed to lose a little by then.
Sep 2019
8:35pm, 5 Sep 2019
27,700 posts
I have so far failed to train OH to *not* give titbits to Flossie; as a result, she remains overweight (though not 'worryingly' so, according to the vet.)
I was telling our window cleaner about Polly's woes today - he breeds and shows Lagotto Romagnolos, and is a qualified show judge, as well as cleaning windows He has had a spaniel rupture a CL jumping into the back of his car, and it took about 6 weeks to heal. He recommended arnica tablets to help with this. I would expect son2 to check with their vet before giving her anything but I was just wondering, has anyone else heard of this for canine use? Did it help?
Sep 2019
11:29am, 6 Sep 2019
6,479 posts
Glad to hear Tuss is improving. We don't have an overweight dog but it's not for want of trying on Jet's part. No idea about Arnica, sorry.
Sep 2019
11:48am, 6 Sep 2019
34,138 posts
Derby Tup
The lady who helped us with Tuss’ initial puppy training is a big fan of arnica to help with bruising or inflammation and reminded us only this about this
Sep 2019
11:57am, 6 Sep 2019
27,707 posts
Ah, good to know DT, thanks.
Sep 2019
12:01pm, 8 Sep 2019
3,324 posts
Just thought I'd drop in out of nowhere and ask a doggy question if I may?
We're expecting to get a Welsh Springer puppy next year and are trying to get the house etc. ready in preparation. Our garden is fenced on both sides but the bottom of the garden opens onto fields and has just got a few wooden posts with some wire strung across. Obviously we're going to need something more secure but with a view over the fields and the woodland beyond I don't really want to block it off with 5ft wooden panels.
Anybody got any bright ideas on what to use? My first thought was chainlink fencing but something a little more aesthetically pleasing would be preferred.
Sep 2019
12:28pm, 8 Sep 2019
6,486 posts
Stock fencing sounds like the longer term answer, with maybe some chicken wire as a temporary measure whilst pup is small enough to get through gaps.
Sep 2019
1:34pm, 8 Sep 2019
3,325 posts
Aah, the people across the road have got post and three (rustic) rail fence at the front. Some of that with 50mm mesh across it would do the trick.