Jun 2019
4:08pm, 12 Jun 2019
6,314 posts
No teeth out, just cleaning. It's the first time his teeth have been cleaned under anaesthetic in seven years, so he's done quite well. It's now 4pm and his legs are still wobbly.
Jun 2019
4:20pm, 12 Jun 2019
2,193 posts
Ollie had his teeth cleaned under anaesthetic a few months ago and is now on a teeth brushing regime that I'm not quite as rigorous with as the vet would probably want. Do other folks brush their dog's teeth?
Jun 2019
4:29pm, 12 Jun 2019
6,315 posts
I've tried many times. Jet will allow me to do a great deal, but claw clipping and tooth brushing have always led him to panic. I'm going to try again but I'm not hopeful.
What do other people do?
Jun 2019
5:12pm, 12 Jun 2019
7,694 posts
I am ashamed to say I have never attempted to clean Wanda's teeth but when we got her from Battersea they recommended that she had a plastic bone (similar to a Nylabone) and that chewing on that would help keep her teeth clean. We have been through quite a number of them but luckily she loves them and is always happy to have a good chew of it. I think she would probably tolerate me attempting to clean her teeth but given the sharpness of her teeth and the strength of her jaws it wouldn't be pretty finding out if she didn't!!!
Jun 2019
5:15pm, 12 Jun 2019
27,009 posts
Floss has a Dentastick every evening, and I had my doubts about its value given how quickly she disposes of it. However at her annual jabs and inspection last week the vet was quite pleased with the small amount of tartar in evidence.
Jun 2019
6:20pm, 12 Jun 2019
3,785 posts
Alice the Camel
I spent a small fortune on canine dental equipment when we first got Charlie, 2 sizes of brush, chicken flavoured toothpaste and something called Dentisept which is a protective gel to coat the teeth with. Most of it still sits unused in Charlie's cupboard, as he hates me messing with his mouth.
Despite only cleaning his teeth on carrots, broccoli stalks and antlers, the vet praised his "Hollywood smile" on his last visit
His groomer has started using something called Emmipet, which is an ultrasonic toothbrush. Sounds like something out of Doctor Who. Charlie is entitled to free sessions as he has regular appointments. I'm reserving judgement for now.
Jun 2019
9:52pm, 12 Jun 2019
28,185 posts
Our vet said to give Ernie carrots regularly. We don’t do it regularly enough I expect.
Jun 2019
9:55pm, 12 Jun 2019
3,161 posts
Doesn’t matter what Stella’s given to eat - it won’t clean the teeth of a Labrador that gulps and inhales her food! Even the largest Dentastix disappear in mere seconds.
Jun 2019
10:38pm, 12 Jun 2019
6,316 posts
FergusG, we have the same experience with a much smaller dog.
Jun 2019
10:44pm, 12 Jun 2019
7,695 posts
We have given up with Dentastix or indeed anything else that can be eaten in about two gulps but is supposed to be 'chewed'. We have to keep renewing the plastic bones too, although not quite as frequently now as when Wanda first arrived! She does get the odd carrot as well.