Jun 2019
10:53pm, 12 Jun 2019
7,696 posts
Oh my goodness - I've just read early bird's blog. An awful experience for her but also by the sound of it for her poor dog.....
Jun 2019
10:16am, 24 Jun 2019
27,072 posts
I may still be grandchild-less, but another dog is arriving next weekend Son2 and GF are bringing home an 8 weel old yellow Labrador puppy, to be called Polly
Not sure I think it's an entirely good idea, but I was a doubter when they got Cooper their rescue Collie and that gone pretty well, so I'm keeping my doubts to myself
Jun 2019
10:17am, 24 Jun 2019
27,073 posts
Sorry about typos, the M5 is bumpy!!
Jun 2019
10:35am, 24 Jun 2019
6,795 posts
Ooh, puppy! How exciting!
Reading back, I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t clean their dog’s teeth. He does really love to chew though - nylabones, actual bones, antlers, those really expensive blocks of wood you can buy that are supposed to be Special For Dogs. So I’m hoping that will take care of it.
Jun 2019
10:08pm, 24 Jun 2019
12,882 posts
I think I've broken my dog he seemed to really enjoy the first 80% of our adventure on Saturday - and I cut it short when the weather warmed up and he seemed to be getting tired. He was knackered Sat evening, but after sausages at breakfast Sunday - where I wasn't the only one who fed him - he seemed to be back to normal. today, however, he's been all limp dishcloth, making no attempt to chase the rabbits or cats or lift the partridges. I hope he's going to get back to bouncy normal tomorrow!
Jun 2019
10:13pm, 24 Jun 2019
27,085 posts
It's very warm, RH, he's probably finding that tricky too.Hope he's back to normal tomorrow.
Jun 2019
10:26pm, 24 Jun 2019
12,884 posts
I hope that's it LD, I keep forgetting he's nearly 10 - especially when he has his mad zoomies like a pup. But today he's much more old man-like
Jun 2019
11:24am, 25 Jun 2019
11,313 posts
Maybe its DOMs?
Jun 2019
12:21pm, 25 Jun 2019
6,802 posts
If Rory’s been doing something more exciting than usual (like boarding while I’m away or staying away with me) he is knackered when we get home for at least 24 hours usually - takes himself off upstairs to bed at the first opportunity. He’s only 3, so maybe it’s not just an age thing?
Jun 2019
12:31pm, 25 Jun 2019
28,270 posts
Oh god! My dog is never tired. He did the 96 mile walk and although he did crash out each evening he was full of beans each morning.