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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

111 watchers
Apr 2018
10:39pm, 30 Apr 2018
13,265 posts
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Glad to hear you'veall</> turned that corner, Helegant. dog
Apr 2018
10:40pm, 30 Apr 2018
13,266 posts
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Let's try that again, shall we?

Glad to hear you've all turned that corner, Helegant.
May 2018
7:01am, 1 May 2018
22,360 posts
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Morning - how's the 'patient' Helegant?
May 2018
7:51am, 1 May 2018
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The patient is out walking around the lake with Mr. I'm presuming that 'no further symptoms' is good news :-)

( I read on another web site that theobromine has a half-life of 17ish hours.)

The thing I find odd is that in the last couple of days Jet has developed an obsession with the kitchen worktop. We've moved the furniture around to make it (theoretically) impossible for him to get up there, but every time we leave the kitchen door open he's up there walking around. I know he's been restless, but it's been ridiculously opportunistic.

This is a totally new 'trick'. It is *not* good news and I have had serious words with Jet who disagrees with my opinion that dogs belong *DOWN* on the floor. Fortunately Mr agrees with me, so when I leave home for another two weeks of walking on Thursday he will have sole charge of reconditioning Jet's brain.
May 2018
9:11am, 1 May 2018
22,361 posts
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Good luck with that Mr H!;-)

Glad to hear all's well.
May 2018
9:30am, 1 May 2018
3,598 posts
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Alice the Camel
A relief to hear that Jet is back to his "normal" self :-)
May 2018
9:51am, 1 May 2018
4,921 posts
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I find that Rory doesn’t notice things for weeks and weeks, and then one day he does, and he’s OBSESSED. He suddenly noticed recently that he could reach a wall shelf by getting up on the back of a chair, and remove the books from it, and that was it - I had to take them all away to prevent him shreddding them all. I think it might be a single-minded Spaniel thing.

In other news, Facebook tells me I’ve had Rory for a year :-o As I arbitrarily decided that he was 1 when he arrived, that also means he’s just had his 2nd ‘birthday’ :-)
May 2018
10:08am, 1 May 2018
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Happy birthday Rory. And thanks Maz. I'm inclined to agree with the single-minded thing ;-)

I've put some plans in place to help Mr. Everything has been cleaned with Bittrex-tasting cleaner, the peninsular worktop will be filled with unstable folding plastic crates. I hope that in the next two weeks Jet will decide that "there's nothing interesting here."

Right now Jet is convinced it's not worth the effort because he's lying on his bed, snoozing and looking 'normal' and not in the least restless or obsessed. The smell however, suggests he's still processing chocolate. I'll say no more...
May 2018
10:21am, 1 May 2018
10,618 posts
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I just came in to see how he is ........... glad to hear he seems on the mend :) Happy birthday Rory!
May 2018
4:11pm, 1 May 2018
7,203 posts
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Glad to see Jet is feeling better. And Happy Birthday Rory.

I am in theory having a nice peaceful afternoon as we have been to our training class this lunchtime so Wanda has been asleep since we got home. Peaceful is not quite the word I would choose though as anyone who has ever heard the full range of Staffie snoring will testify!!

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