Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

4 lurkers | 107 watchers
Apr 2018
7:08am, 29 Apr 2018
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The online training thing we did used the dog flirt pole. We never did buy one. It would have been good for impulse control though.
Apr 2018
7:51pm, 29 Apr 2018
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We were out at a local 'do'. Mr nipped back home to feed Jet. While he was there he left the kitchen with the dog inside it.

Jet ate a 100g bar of chocolate. All of it.

The emergency vet was more sensible this time and instead of hearing the £££ ringing, I think he would rather stay at home and rest.

I've been told to expect diarrhoea and vomiting from the dog, but that it's the minimum toxic dose and he 'should' be OK. Basically there isn't much they can do anyway.

Fingers crossed. Again :-(
Apr 2018
7:57pm, 29 Apr 2018
10,461 posts
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Oh dear Helegant, luck and fingers crossed!
Apr 2018
9:03pm, 29 Apr 2018
22,332 posts
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Oh Jet!! I'm sure he'll be fine but don't you wish dogs would learn what really isn't good for them ;-)
Apr 2018
9:07pm, 29 Apr 2018
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I so wish that I had been nasty to him when he was little and taught him not to touch anything that wasn't in his food bowl...
Apr 2018
9:28pm, 29 Apr 2018
25,553 posts
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Oh dear, Jet. Will he ever learn? I hope it's not too tough a night.

Ernie snaffled the last of QP's burger earlier when the silly sod left it unattended when he went to the loo. We might need to try being a bit more mean too.
Apr 2018
9:39pm, 29 Apr 2018
4,919 posts
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Oh Jet...I hope he’s OK.

I got some Brownie Butter (basically chocolate brownie in the form of spread) for my birthday. Rory is very interested...Not. A. Chance.
Apr 2018
11:24pm, 29 Apr 2018
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Oh no - if it is any consolation Wanda ate a considerable amount of dark chocolate (the worst sort) one New Year's Eve a few years ago and suffered no ill effects whatsoever. Phoning the emergency vet at a quarter to midnight on New Year's Eve was never really going to be an option, we knew how much Wanda weighed and the amount of chocolate, googled it and hedged our bets to wait until morning. Other than looking for more chocolate at any opportunity, you would never know it had happened. Hope it's the same for Jet.....
Apr 2018
8:30am, 30 Apr 2018
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How is he this morning H?
Apr 2018
8:38am, 30 Apr 2018
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So far so good. The vet advice was to wait and see. The breed of dog appeared to be relevant, but I can't find anything on line to suggest why. Any ideas?

Are some dogs more vulnerable than others? Does his general scavenging mean he is more likely to be able to cope with non-regulation food?

Anyway, Jet spent a very happy night sleeping on the sofa next to me, and bounced around the garden this morning like a much younger dog. He appears entirely unconcerned so far.

I gather the time window for reaction to theobromine is up to 72 hours so we continue to wait.

Incidentally, Jet woke up at 3am, went into the kitchen and straight up onto the worktop via the chair. Normally there's no food left out, but yesterday we had some cherry tomatoes left over from a social event and they won't fit in the fridge so were in a covered glass bowl next to the fruit. It was the chink of dog-nose-moving-glass-dish that alerted me.

This is a new development; he has never climbed up to the worktops before, but obviously the smell of rucksack-rations yesterday was enough to learn a new behaviour. All rucksack contents are now in an upstairs room - theoretically Jet does not go up stairs. Theoretically...

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