May 2017
11:00pm, 17 May 2017
9,739 posts
lol at Rory, I know exactly what you mean about going every night.... oh the joy when your children 'sleep through'
I read AtC's post as we use Advocar
May 2017
11:02pm, 17 May 2017
11,517 posts
Rory IS doing well!
May 2017
11:18pm, 17 May 2017
6,571 posts
Well done Rory. If you can train him to pee on command and ensure he goes before you go into the class then hopefully that will only be a one off 'accident'. And a tired dog is a good dog
May 2017
7:32am, 18 May 2017
4,762 posts
Loved the training story and the sleepy/happy/safe dog pose.
May 2017
7:56am, 18 May 2017
23,155 posts
Great work Rory. He looks very settled.
We are on a monthly plan with the vet for wormer and tick/flea stuff. Drontal for worming and I forget the other. It's a pest to have to go get it but he doesn't insist on seeing Ernie every time. We have his 1 year check today. Trying to remember if he is due a vaccine booster.
May 2017
8:45am, 18 May 2017
1,314 posts
Annual check up and boosters for Cleo this afternoon. I may get bruised ribs if it's time for the kennel cough vaccine to get sprayed up her nose! She kicks like a mule whenever vet says "can you just hold her still please".
May 2017
10:26am, 18 May 2017
9,740 posts
protective clothing FG!
May 2017
3:31pm, 18 May 2017
18,463 posts
We had a card to say Flossie's jabs are due. I might pass this job on to OH this year while I'm unable to drive. Let him have the reproachful looks from the dog instead of me.
May 2017
5:13pm, 18 May 2017
8,812 posts
lol LD - that sounds like a great idea
love Rory - he's being a complete considering all he's been through - I guess he knows when he's well off and has decided he needs to stay with you!
Taking a look at the itchy dog thingy .........
no ill effects ( touch wood) from tick. It was a bit of a shock to have had one, especially locally, after all this time and trips over the years to places where they are know to be a bigger problem.
May 2017
3:19pm, 19 May 2017
2,982 posts
Advice please, clever dog owners...
Rory pulls like mad on the lead. He's actually doing really well with little bits of loose lead walking inside, and in the garden, and on the drive, and for a few steps on the pavement, but elsewhere everything is SO EXCITING that he's not there yet.
He has a supposedly 'anti-pull' harness. Actually he has two...because he's already broken the first one. It does help a bit, but I can still hear him choking himself and it doesn't make walks mega fun.
I can't let him off (he proved that with the deer chasing incident on Monday), he's even worse on a long line because he can get more speed up, and I can only run so fast...would a headcollar help as a temporary measure? Or a different type of harness? Longer lead? Shorter lead? I know the actual answer is more training, but in the meantime I don't want to limit him to walking in circles round the driveway and I don't want him to damage himself (or my arms!)
Wow this is long and waffly. It's because I'm supposed to be working