Apr 2017
4:37pm, 4 Apr 2017
9,554 posts
I was wondering what might happen next AtC.... after the first time he did have to wee against every slightly higher blade of grass on the path we were on! His weight is pretty stable now so I think he has done most of his growing so if a snip is needed that will be ok.
I had to stop on my canal walk and visit the loos, I put him in a sit stay and left him... when I came back he hadn't moved.... hurrah for obedience training.
Apr 2017
4:39pm, 4 Apr 2017
11,233 posts
Wow for that sit stay, D! Most excellent.
Apr 2017
6:04pm, 4 Apr 2017
22,857 posts
Wow! That's impressive obedience. Ernie has been cocking his leg for a while. He definitely wants to sniff, then maybe pee on, lots of things. We haven't had much humping but have had a couple of awkward marking incidents.
Apr 2017
6:05pm, 4 Apr 2017
9,555 posts
"awkward marking incidents"... this is my first male dog for a million years so I really don't know what to expect... would you like to enlighten us or were they too awkward to recount hp?
Apr 2017
6:07pm, 4 Apr 2017
9,556 posts
To be fair I knew he wouldn't leave me but I didn't expect him to be routed to the spot, probably shock and will never happen again.
Apr 2017
6:13pm, 4 Apr 2017
11,235 posts
It is still brilliant!
But I must say I'm always astounded by owners who seem to think their GSD will 'run off' if let off lead. GSDs are just not running off dogs!
Now a beagle......
Apr 2017
6:15pm, 4 Apr 2017
8,513 posts
No indoor or awkward marking here either ( dog is entire)
Youngest calls frequent sniffing and peeing on random small pieces of grass incidents Facebook status update/commenting
Apr 2017
6:24pm, 4 Apr 2017
22,859 posts
We stayed at a hotel in February. It was a dog friendly hotel but I'm not sure they appreciated Ernie marking the umbrella stand just inside the entrance. To say I was on edge for the rest of our stay is an understatement.
Apr 2017
7:24pm, 4 Apr 2017
18,020 posts
My sister's first Lab, Sam, disgraced himself when my brother-in-law was the doctor in attendance at a local point-to-point.
The big-wig farmer's wife's sheepskin coat, casually draped over a fence or something, was never the same again
Apr 2017
7:33pm, 4 Apr 2017
3,113 posts
Alice the Camel
Charlie started marking indoors wherever we went - the vets, the groomers, my friend's curtains...as well as having about a million wees on our regular walks. It was his randiness that was the bigger problem though, he was particularly attracted to the leg of anyone sitting.
I can honestly say, hand on heart, that he's not marked indoors once since being "done" and the humping is rare and half hearted