Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

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Aug 2016
11:02pm, 19 Aug 2016
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We built him up over the 6 weeks and thought it was going well. If I went to work and QP was still in bed he'd be quiet for a couple of hours. We left him for up to 3hrs + and he wasn't crying when we came back so we assumed he was fine. With night time he's been great from day 1 and it is the established routine. I'm hopeful that the new daytime routine will soon become predictable.
Aug 2016
11:03pm, 19 Aug 2016
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Wanda and I are also very grateful for all your kind comments about her gold test. I have decided not to blog, but Wanda had an altercation with another dog in the village the other day - both on their leads at the time and both dogs hate each other, we see them every day and we both know our dogs don't like each other, unfortunately Wanda was on the extendable lead, it didn't lock and she lunged at the other dog. The other dog's owner stuck her leg out to stop Wanda getting to her dog and Wanda bit it. The woman has a nasty bruise but no 'serious' injury.
I cant tell you how awful we feel about this - the lead not locking was awful and we are not going to use that lead in future. We have also sent the woman flowers as soon as it happened and both I and J have been round to see her and apologise and explain it was an accident.
She's reported us to the police for having a dangerous dog... because 'if that had been a child....'
If she had been walking a dog that we know Wanda doesn't like and had had a child with her they would never have got close enough for that to happen - it was in the middle of a field in the countryside, not outside the local primary school.
Anyway - we await a visit from the police.... I hope they will listen to our side of the story.... but I don't hold out much hope. I am not for one minute making excuses for what happened - but it was a genuine accident we thought she was on a short lead, and it gave. We've already taken the decision not to use that (or any extendable) lead again but I somehow think that won't be enough. On the strength of all that I nearly didn't bother going to our test today. :-( :-(
Aug 2016
11:10pm, 19 Aug 2016
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Oh goodness me BBL what an upsetting experience for you all. I'm sure an explanation and evidence that you are training Wanda will go a long way. You had her on a lead and took steps to prevent her getting to the other dog. It is not your fault the lead failed. It could presumably just as easily been her dog.
Aug 2016
11:12pm, 19 Aug 2016
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Oh Baroness that is horrible. I totally understand. Perhaps you can tell the police about the gold test and how the incident/accident was a one off?

That ridiculous 'if that had been a child....' again. We've had that one - it's nonsense. Wanda is obviously NOT a dangerous dog.
Aug 2016
11:13pm, 19 Aug 2016
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Thank you hp
Her dog is a fluffball of cuteness (much like Ernie) ... so who in their right mind would go to the police even if he bit their leg off.
Wanda is a Staffie X - a sharp nip - and don't get me wrong, I am mortified at what happened and I would hate it to happen to me - but most people view it as no difference between a bruise that will go in a couple of days, and mauling a child to death.
Aug 2016
11:15pm, 19 Aug 2016
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And thank you Sharkie
I am minded to draw the same analogy to the woman who hadn't noticed I was stopped in a queue of traffic not all that long ago and smashed into the rear of my stationary car at 40-50mph. If that had been a child........ which OBVIOUSLY IT WASN'T.. ......
Aug 2016
11:45pm, 19 Aug 2016
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I'd assume that an outright unprovoked attack on a person could be considered as a potentially dangerous dog, but a nip/bruise as a result of someone placing a limb between two snapping dogs is a different thing altogether. Don't waste any energy fretting about it, when you know that you're a responsible owner of a demonstrably well trained dog.
Aug 2016
11:49pm, 19 Aug 2016
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I don't suppose the news headlines recently will have helped. I bet the call was made in haste and she is now questioning whether she has overreacted.
Aug 2016
12:00am, 20 Aug 2016
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Congratulations to both you and Wanda for passing gold. I know how much work is involved in that, and the fact that you have spent a lot of time training Wanda is surely to the good. I'm so sorry to hear about the other lady and dog.
Aug 2016
7:34am, 20 Aug 2016
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Alice the Camel
What an awful thing to happen Baroness. But accidents happen to us all, in all aspects of our daily lives. I like your analogy to the car incident. I'm sure the police will exercise common sense. Easy to say I know, but try not to worry. xxx

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