Jul 2020
3:35pm, 19 Jul 2020
537 posts
Daddy Shark
+1 for what VJ said, cerid. I can reach 225 squares without a move. That means I reach the whole grid by heading off in different directions and planning my runs accordingly. That is not intrinsically harder or requiring of more planning that someone else who, say, covers half the grid by heading off in two different directions, and then moves the grid and broadly heads in those same two directions again. Anyone who's moved a grid will tell you that getting it right is not always easy and doing it well requires thought. However, I judge my own achievements in my own terms, so I'd happily pat myself on the back for the non-move 150, especially if you think doing it with a move would have been easier for you.
AtC, I've been trying to get back in the last 8 for a while, without success. It's not to be sniffed at. I look forward to seeing you go for it again, though I'll be less chuffed if it turns out to be at my expense!
Jul 2020
3:40pm, 19 Jul 2020
9,821 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
I'm continuing my break too. My ankle was very swollen last night after 15km and a wobble pn some uneven grass. With voltarol, ice and rest, it has come down but I have a 30.6km trail run on Saturday which is in fact my last lsr before scheduled marathon 15 August. I'll try to do more swimming and might even do my "efforts" on the very boring rowing machine.
Jul 2020
4:03pm, 19 Jul 2020
538 posts
Daddy Shark
Sorry about your continuing injury ITG. Keep it sensible.
Jul 2020
4:40pm, 19 Jul 2020
5,985 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I fully approve your resting after dental surgery Ness. Though I more often have to warn patients against post extraction smoking than taking part in exercise based online GPS games!
Jul 2020
4:46pm, 19 Jul 2020
11,947 posts
Hope things get better for you, ITG.
Jul 2020
4:53pm, 19 Jul 2020
14,661 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
Short walk with my son this afternoon meant I could gobble up 4 slices of cake
Jul 2020
4:57pm, 19 Jul 2020
10,828 posts
It took me a few weeks to work out what was possible on the grid and was over the moon to manage almost all the grid before a move to get the last 20 there was no way I could have done grid master or even all 4 corners without it.
Definitely your game and your challenge to work on for yourself.
Jul 2020
4:58pm, 19 Jul 2020
42,308 posts
Lip Gloss
I will actually be walking or running tomorrow morning as the Lakeland 50 mile challenge starts tomorrow
Jul 2020
4:58pm, 19 Jul 2020
9,824 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Thanks for your encouragement. It is the challenge of finding the balance between recovery and maintaining fitness/endurance.
Jul 2020
5:10pm, 19 Jul 2020
11,948 posts
Thanks, 57.5DoP. I’m surprised that lockdown has brought out the compulsive runner in me. Think I’ll have to reign it back now though.