Oct 2019
7:12am, 21 Oct 2019
195 posts
Thanks JCB Very well documented👌🏻 So basically, owning squares is more valuable than visiting squares I take from that? Wallman PS- Well done on last week and sorry about this week (hope a week of rest has done you good👍🏻)
Oct 2019
7:29am, 21 Oct 2019
695 posts
Thanks Wallman! It's good to have a bit of a rest now and then!
Yes, ownership of even just one square in the first two weeks has been enough to make it through to the next rounds.
Though for round one exploring 75 squares has been enough without ownership.
Round two that has risen to the mid 120s or even mid 150s for exploration.
And for all later rounds definitely ownership is the only thing that really matters.
Oct 2019
7:38am, 21 Oct 2019
41,396 posts
Does anyone think that the scoring systems could do with tweaking? Shouldn’t exploring a large number of squares be at least as valuable as owning a smaller subset? Not that I will ever trouble the leaders.
Oct 2019
7:45am, 21 Oct 2019
29,456 posts
♪♫ Egnys ♪♫
Dio - that would make it very similar to the 1v1.
Oct 2019
8:10am, 21 Oct 2019
196 posts
I’ve done it again🤣🤣🤣 I never updated my home screen icon from last week so I’ve been playing JCB again when I should of been looking at a match against Oranj! That could of gone so wrong...
Oct 2019
8:48am, 21 Oct 2019
41,476 posts
Okay Dio, you can have my place in Multiplay as I'm taking a break this week.
Oct 2019
8:53am, 21 Oct 2019
13,960 posts
trying to work out if and when to move my home square:
If I move Wednesday evening, do I need to wait until the following Wednesday evening to move it back - or will first thing on that morning work?
I don't expect to continue to be towards the top of the leaderboard, I don't take it seriously enough
Oct 2019
9:07am, 21 Oct 2019
119 posts
Daddy Shark
Dio, I don't think large numbers of explored squares should be at least as important as ownership. I say this as someone who can explore the whole grid. The main reason is that ownership is fairer between those that can explore lots of the grid and those that can explore a smaller proportion. The additional reason (which somewhat contradicts Egnys) is that WSW has always been a battle for ownership.
Oct 2019
9:09am, 21 Oct 2019
120 posts
Daddy Shark
Rosehip, I'd also like a definitive answer to this question from our dear leader (who writes the code), but I expect it to be a whole week (7 full 24-hour days).
Oct 2019
9:41am, 21 Oct 2019
29,458 posts
♪♫ Egnys ♪♫
DS - agreed re ownership, but simple coverage can get you a long way in mid table (which is where I tend to reside these days!).
Rosehip - earlier in the day works fine (from personal experience, it must be date driven rather than time and date).