Oct 2019
8:53am, 15 Oct 2019
18,892 posts
Now, you see, I've qualified for the multiplayer, which was my aim, but I've absolutely no chance as I'm working away this weekend. I could shift my grid so that it picks up my run on Saturday evening between meeting and dinner, but then the grid's away from me for most of next week.
So now I know I can qualify, I'll have to let this one lapse, and try to get in next time around instead.
Oct 2019
9:33am, 15 Oct 2019
470 posts
Sam Jelfs
Up against Chell this week, and think I am going to be destroyed... managed to injure my hip at Eindhoven marathon on sunday, so not going to get much running in this week, just hoping I can do enough dog walking to see me through to the next round of the multiplayer at least.
Oct 2019
9:37am, 15 Oct 2019
41,256 posts
Ooh, I'm up against Fetch! I'm going to have to up my game. My original opponent, the man with no name or avatar, wasn't doing much but Ian has just taken a good lead.
Oct 2019
9:50am, 15 Oct 2019
41,586 posts
I'm up against Carp but I don't know if I'll be able to get out on grid this week.
Oct 2019
11:27am, 15 Oct 2019
141 posts
Just back running in the last few weeks and have won the last 6 weeks because my opponents haven't been playing, but this weeks opponent, Airlann went out yesterday so it's game on!
Oct 2019
11:32am, 15 Oct 2019
22,854 posts
Game on, Dio
Oct 2019
12:02pm, 15 Oct 2019
334 posts
Sorry to hear about the hip, Sam Jelfs, nothing worse than a dodgy hip. It's always to first to go for me. Let's hope for a good match anyway 😀👍
Oct 2019
5:53pm, 15 Oct 2019
10,720 posts
Should be an interesting game, 57.5 Degrees of Pain .
Oct 2019
7:20pm, 15 Oct 2019
13,902 posts
so, the multiplayer match - do the scores reset on the Monday lunchtime or do they just keep going but with half the players? I seem to be doing Ok at the moment, but that will fall apart when I have a long weekend away at the end of the month (whether I move my grid or not) -but I have no idea how the game works
Oct 2019
7:32pm, 15 Oct 2019
1,539 posts
Everything resets to zero each Monday just after the cut