Mar 2023
3:24pm, 8 Mar 2023
52,551 posts
Je ne pense pas que moi ever met M. Kingston, le plus est le pity.
Mar 2023
3:38pm, 8 Mar 2023
26,295 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Anyone else remember Claude, Marie Clare et Kiki le chat? We had Jean-Paul and his sisters Marie-France and Claudette, if I remember right.
I did O-Level in the mid-80s and then foolishly dropped it and didn’t take the A-Level. Not many things I’d change in my life, but that’s one of them. I speak pretty good French these days through a combination of Duolingo, Babbel and, importantly, regular immersion in vin rouge.
Mar 2023
3:44pm, 8 Mar 2023
14,394 posts
We had "le pauvre monsiour Joly, il est tres desole". My best friend's translation of one of her O level passages that she snook out of the exam had us all in stitches. It started with "I stood on a place and fell on arrival, I waited to my relief but in vain" and then went on to weave a story about "a large and wonderful russell crossing her path", she thought it was about a dog but it was about a river. Her imaginary dog did all sorts of things, like putting his paws on her pockets and fetching sticks. She couldn't understand why I was crying laughing while reading. She didn't pass....
Mar 2023
3:52pm, 8 Mar 2023
49,118 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Je ne pense pas que moi ever met M. Kingston, le plus est le pity.
I never met him, but I did see him playing bass with his jazz band one lunchtime in a pub somewhere near Liverpool Street Station.
Mar 2023
4:00pm, 8 Mar 2023
15,088 posts
Yorkshire Pie
I wish I'd kept up my French - I did A level, but then didn't use it and it got very rusty. It's improving due to working for a French company, but I don't have the confidence I used to have.
Mar 2023
4:04pm, 8 Mar 2023
29,751 posts
Johnny Blaze
J’apprends encore francais sur Duolingo. C’est genial.
Mar 2023
4:25pm, 8 Mar 2023
28,280 posts
Anothe London board here, 80/81 for O level Nd I have no recollection of that technique. I do know that going to a Motorhead concert the night before my Oral exam was a bit of a mistake, one needs to be able to hear what is asked! (I passed, B I think)
I do remember that sometimes we would to do crosswords from a French teen/fashion Magazine in class sometimes.
Mar 2023
4:26pm, 8 Mar 2023
28,281 posts
And I can’t type in English either
Mar 2023
4:39pm, 8 Mar 2023
22,317 posts
I love the way that in the dictations in the exam papers, the teachers who are to read it are given instructions about pronunciation.
In our French O-level dictation, there appeared a word we hadn't met before, and our kind French teacher read it so, so, so slowly that we could get it right despite its trickiness: Il s'agenouilla.
Mar 2023
5:20pm, 8 Mar 2023
9,192 posts
Surrey Phil
Philippe, Marie-Claude and (or should it be 'et') Alain. I think Ally-C and I were using the same text books.
The only story I remember from it was the dad taking Philippe to watch a France v Scotland rugby international. I wonder why?