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Is anyone really good at French?

1 watcher
Apr 2017
5:12pm, 20 Apr 2017
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French does not normally have a choice between H totally ignored and H aspirated. A word coming from German generally required the H to be aspirated.

It's not like hotel in English where we can choose to pronounce the H or not.


As for today's question, the rule I learned is that when an adjective precedes a noun, the indefinite article is "de", not "des".
Apr 2017
5:24pm, 20 Apr 2017
27,543 posts
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The evidence above on both questions suggests that language, while generally very systematic, is not governed by incontrovertible rules.
Apr 2017
6:56pm, 20 Apr 2017
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Indeed, yet where there are rules, I prefer to know them and be guided by them, at least for a foreign language.

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Why is the opera called Les Contes d'Hoffmann and not Les Contes de Hoffmann? Foreign words beginni...
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