Oct 2023
6:29pm, 6 Oct 2023
17,927 posts
JK *chameleon*
Newsreaders pronouncing Pakistan as Pahrkistahrn. Just another version of the Baaath or Barth, Maalvern or Mawlvern, Skon or Scoan debate. TBH if you understand what is being said then that’s all that matters really.
It's so effected, and they work so hard at trying to speak posh, that it distracts from what they're actually saying.
There's some truly atrocious newsreaders at the moment, noticed it more whilst I've been off work, housemate loves watching the news channels.
Oct 2023
8:21pm, 6 Oct 2023
22,269 posts
I do wince a bit at some presenters' sloppy diction. Pet hate? Missing the pronunciation of the letter "t". Sometimes there's a glottal stop instead, but often just a half formed word.
Oct 2023
8:49pm, 6 Oct 2023
39,335 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I don’t stop at wincing, I loudly correct them, not that I am heard of course
Oct 2023
7:25pm, 7 Oct 2023
7,781 posts
What sort of person decides to dump a caravan in an NT car park? The sort of person that probably doesn't think about the height bar. Now there's 2 messes to clear up. The only pleasing thing is it must have been like an Only Fools and Horses plot. As they drove in they lost the top. Then, presumably, had to manhandle it to get themslves back out
I only hope they left some evidence, or any A36 cameras can be used to trace them. And the police spend the time to do that.
Oct 2023
8:43pm, 7 Oct 2023
22,286 posts
That's gotta sting! Although a colleague of mine did recently neglect that he had a bike on the rack on his roof. Cost about £1500 for a new bike, and it's bent the mounting rails on his nearly new BMW! (Which would cost an awful lot more to replace, apparently!)
Oct 2023
9:30pm, 7 Oct 2023
10,037 posts
Eynsham Red
I suspect it was someone having a it of a crack. Damage aside, that looks like a pretty old neglected caravan.
Oct 2023
5:12am, 8 Oct 2023
17,459 posts
Road users who have right of way but slam on brakes and flash lights? Maybe they’re trying to be helpful but sometimes it’s bloody dangerous and confusing. Highway Code Rule 110. Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.17 Sept 2023
Oct 2023
11:58am, 8 Oct 2023
38,927 posts
Parents who think it's fine, allowing their child to scream piercingly every time a wave comes near their feet. I've observed this child for a while, she appears to have no communication or other behavioural issues, she's just been allowed to think that screaming like that when there are a lot of other people trying to enjoy the peace of the beach and sea, is acceptable behaviour. It isn't. Not at that decibel level.
Oct 2023
12:03pm, 8 Oct 2023
31,951 posts
[It’s cheaper to dump it there than pay for disposal]
Oct 2023
12:11pm, 8 Oct 2023
16,746 posts
[I assume you're talking about the caravan and not the screaming child, HB]