Sep 2019
8:40am, 9 Sep 2019
43,067 posts
[Three pizzas for eight people in addition to lunch doesn't seem so unreasonable.]
Sep 2019
9:24am, 9 Sep 2019
40,034 posts
(I'm not sure what added to lunch means? Slightly more reasonable than if for a main meal, although I still don't like the idea of sharing pizza. There will be people who take more than their share, i.e. people like me).
Sep 2019
9:52am, 9 Sep 2019
43,070 posts
[Whereas if there were other lunch items on offer I'd almost certainly ignore the pizza, and the ratio of mouths per pizza would improve.]
Sep 2019
10:04am, 9 Sep 2019
27,745 posts
(Re the BBC - I have found R4 Extra to be a place of solace recently. Yesterday I heard a lovely chat from years ago, of Beryl Reid talking to Sian Thomas about her career. You do have to watch out for the appallingly unfunny 'comedy' programmes from the 60s though. )
Sep 2019
2:17pm, 9 Sep 2019
9,597 posts
1. Teens cycling on the footpath on the way to school. I know it's a busy road, but you're at big school now. If you're big enough to ride a bike to school without adult supervision you're supposed to be confident/safe/aware enough to do it on the road. ght her back up(This probably should be aimed at their responsible adult as much as the fairly young teens in question. Hopefully the one I had a word with has recovered from the shock!)
2. People who don't realise their umbrellas are ridiculously large, basically antisocial, and unpleasantly close to my eyes in a city street when there are other people who are not as short as they are!
Sep 2019
3:49pm, 9 Sep 2019
4,856 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
‘Salad garnish’ that is just a couple of lettuce leaves and a slice of tomato.
Sep 2019
3:51pm, 9 Sep 2019
4,760 posts
Eynsham Red
(Although I’m big enough to ride a bike to “school” without supervision, there are sections of road where I choose to ride to the pavement because the motorists, who presumably are able to drive a car without supervision, plainly don’t give a toss about cyclists that they share the road with).
Sits back and waits for the old cyclists vs motorist rants 😀
Sep 2019
5:36pm, 9 Sep 2019
9,601 posts
Lol, ER. The cars on the footpath and cycle paths are a different problem.....
I was objecting particularly to the flocks of teens who have returned to school this week by bike. I have no real problem with them riding on an otherwise empty footpath, or even with consideration for others. But ideally they should be on the "Safe route to school" that is advertised, or at least, getting off and pushing when there are multiple pedestrians to maneuver around.
But even on bikes, most of them seem to be spatially unaware of anything or anyone except their relative social positions to each other!
Sep 2019
6:33pm, 9 Sep 2019
2,483 posts
I can understand cyclists using the footpath on some roads I travel on during the rush hour. But if they are on the footpath they should work on the basis that pedestrians have priority and take steps to avoid causing potential clashes
Sep 2019
7:32am, 10 Sep 2019
17,620 posts
I'm afraid I'm of the opinion that unless there's a cycle path on the pavement, cyclists shouldn't be cycling on it. And if there is, pedestrians should bloody well keep to their side of it.
Of course all this could be made redundant if councils would build proper cycling infrastructure, as opposed to just flinging 'shared path' signs on narrow pavements (looking at you, IBC).