West Highland Way Race 2015

1 lurker | 31 watchers
Jun 2015
8:25am, 5 Jun 2015
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Yes, done head torch runs for 1-2 hours santa in winter. But that's at 7, 8, 9pm. So it's not so much head torch and dark running that I need to practice, but running at 1am when you should be sleeping!

Boab, surely tired wouldn't matter 2 weeks out from race day? I'll just sleep in on Saturday a bit! (I have the luxury of not having two under 5s to wake me up at 5am you see! ;-) )

Mrs s, not slow, I think the longer WHW runners are just hard core! Two nights not one has got to be even harder.

Number of times running at 2am:
= = = = =
HappyG: 1 (Glenmore 24)
Santa: 4 (3 WHW inc 1 over 25 hrs = x 2)
Minty: 2 (G24 + WHW)??
mrs shanksi: 5 (G24 + 2 x WHW > 25)

May all be moot anyway. I went over my ankle in the woods last night. Usually doesn't bother me, happens all the time, but this one made a bit of a crunchy noise and was sore to weight bear and for rest of run. Stuck some peas on it last night, but it's a bit swollen and tender this morning. Perhaps I'll just can tonight's run. I'm sure it will be fine and will get better. :-) G
Jun 2015
8:57am, 5 Jun 2015
71,780 posts
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I am 6 surely?

I started 3 WHW so started at 1am. 1 where I broke my ankles I meant was out til 2am ie- second night. Glenmore = 5 1 x Milngavei to Balamaha = 7
Jun 2015
8:59am, 5 Jun 2015
98 posts
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I've never ran beyond midnight so just a few hours with a headtorch in the dark at Glenmore.
Ran a couple of times after midnight in training but that was on the streets with street lights.

won't be long before the sun comes up anyway and the headtorch is switched off.

Lakeland 100 you are more likely to go through two nights of darkness starting at 5pm.
Jun 2015
9:36am, 5 Jun 2015
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mrs shanksi
Oh no Happy G, don't run tonight, rest up and let your ankle repair itself x
Jun 2015
9:53am, 5 Jun 2015
71,781 posts
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do not run in middle of night on a sore ankle! trust in your (excellent ) training and believe in yourself
Jun 2015
12:03pm, 5 Jun 2015
922 posts
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HappyG - sit your backside down and rest that ankle. Pick a film to watch and put your foot up with an ice pack please! Don't be daft!! It's too late to make any massive gains in training now - running in the middle of the night is only going to tire you out. You'll be so full of adrenaline at the start you won't care what time it is. Remember what Murdo said recently - "Someone, somewhere is going to do something stupid between now and the start of the race which will stop them from completing it. Don't let it be you!"
In other news, I have ran the Great Glen Ultra which was a 1am start, and then also swept through both nights of the WHW in the last two years. If you count support running mrs_shanksi through her second night of her first WHW then my total 'silly in the middle of the night' runs is 6.
Jun 2015
12:34pm, 5 Jun 2015
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Number of times running at 2am:
= = = = =
HappyG: 1 (Glenmore 24)
Santa: 4 (3 WHW inc 1 over 25 hrs = x 2)
Minty: 2 (G24 + WHW)??
mrs shanksi: 5 (G24 + 2 x WHW > 25)
RWR: 6 (Great Glen, WHW sweep x 2, WHW support)

OMG R, you've just reminded me. I *have* run more nights than 1. I forgot about WHW support. FFS, one of mine is one of Santa's !! Plus Lintie 2009, Flip 2010, Santa 2011, KJTindall 2014 (_andy in 2012 was too quick, he finished about 11pm!), so I'm totally experienced at this sh*t. Which means I can take a night off. Movie sounds good! :-) G
Jun 2015
12:35pm, 5 Jun 2015
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Number of times running at 2am:
= = = = =
HappyG: 5 (Glenmore 24 + 4 x WHW support)
Santa: 6 (3 WHW inc 1 over 25 hrs = x 2)
Minty: 2 (G24 + WHW)??
mrs shanksi: 5 (G24 + 2 x WHW > 25)
RWR: 6 (Great Glen, WHW sweep x 2 x both nights, WHW support)
Jun 2015
12:37pm, 5 Jun 2015
5,853 posts
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:-)G, I am about 300 yards away from you at the minute...if I think there is the slightest chance of you running tonight, I shall come down the road and smack you over the head. You have done all the training that's going to be useful to you, now just concentrate on getting to the start line. And then the finish (via hugs at KLL of course....).
Jun 2015
12:41pm, 5 Jun 2015
24,668 posts
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Lol Duchess. We must do lunch one day! :-) G

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
Link to race: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewracedetails.php?id=143955

I can't help it. I know it's 9 months away, but I've started planning already!

Share you plans, your hopes, your dreams, your wobbles, your niggles and your fears!

If you've done it before, then help advise and encourage us noobies! Cheers, :-) G

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