Ultra training for beginners
3 lurkers |
170 watchers
Aug 2023
10:10pm, 14 Aug 2023
60,874 posts
Derby Tup
Sounds a perfect intro event. Good luck sparklecloud
Aug 2023
10:17pm, 14 Aug 2023
688 posts
Thanks! I think it's probably the most beginner-friendly I could have found!
Dec 2023
6:40pm, 14 Dec 2023
2,544 posts
Just out of interest, and understanding this will be different for everyone as well, what kind of weekly mileage would one be looking to build up to for a 50K/32mile Ultra? And what kind of long run distances? I have my plan and I think it is solid but just interested in other's views. |
Dec 2023
8:08pm, 14 Dec 2023
3,955 posts
What’s your target? Complete or compete? Though that said I wouldn’t necessarily say much more, if anything, than marathon training type schedule. I’ve done 40 miles on little more than a 20 mile long run. I would add in decent strength and mental training. Both will help you late on in a race. But as you correctly point out you’ll probably get as many different answers from each response. |
Dec 2023
8:10pm, 14 Dec 2023
3,956 posts
Oh and specificity training in the last phase ie try replicate race conditions such as surface, weather, elevation as much as possible consistently towards the end helps too.
Dec 2023
8:25pm, 14 Dec 2023
2,546 posts
Definitely complete rather than compete. So definitely overthinking. ![]() I've currently got a 20 mile long run and a back to back type thing, 15 one day, another 15 the next... but I'm less sure about that. And a couple of Big Long Walks... so full days out on feet. Thats the plan. Reality will probably differ. But just considering if I'm massively under or over shooting really. And I'm thinking weekly mileage might be more important than actual long runs, so just the day in day out. I know I need to get out and walk waaaaayyyy more, but really struggle with motivation especially if I get busy with the horses. Still, I think mucking out is reasonable training. |
Dec 2023
8:30pm, 14 Dec 2023
62,761 posts
Derby Tup
My theory is the further the event the more important the long run is. Your long run or weekend back to backs are fundamental and anything significant in the week is a bonus. I'm doing a 31 miler in March and am highly unlikely to go beyond 20 in training, but then I've done quite a few ultras
Dec 2023
8:46pm, 14 Dec 2023
21,074 posts
My theory is long runs every weekend, run an ultra or ultra-length training run once per month, trying to get up to race distance or 40-50 miles, whichever is the shorter at least once before the event. I don't tend to focus on back-to-backs as I find the fatigue and risk of injury doesn't outweigh the benefits (others swear by them). That's the theory. In practice in recent years I've got by with far, far less as health and injury issues have meant I've go nowhere near the plan. Or near my targets. That's when it comes down to how much you want it, and whether you're prepared to hurt and grind it out. Sometime I have, sometimes not. |
Dec 2023
9:04pm, 14 Dec 2023
4,199 posts
I would go for around 30 or 35km / 20 miles max for a 50km. Long days walking can't do any harm. Best if it is similar terrain to the event. I think that back to back is a bit long 10 miles / 15 miles would be my max I think.
Dec 2023
9:05pm, 14 Dec 2023
3,957 posts
I'm like flanker. I've largely ditched the back-to-back long runs. Though I will sometimes do a long run the day after a workout. And it depends what you mean by back-to-back as the last couple of years, I've consistently also had more medium length (10+ mile) runs than I've had before and I'll do them as the body wants rather than fixated on a rigid schedule. I've found more strength work builds up my body more than doing long doubles. But what's good for me might not be good for others. |
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